XXXVII | Baths

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You giggled, and pointed your toes "It's so weird" You say, scrunching up your nose "I can't even see my toes!" You giggle again. Right now you were so happy for no reason, as you and Drew just lay in the bathtub together, him behind you and you in between his legs. He laughed, and put his hands on your bump, rubbing it with his thumbs "Does it feel weird with her in there?" He asks. You nod, it is an odd feeling, knowing that another human being is growing inside of you "I like it though, then I always know that he's safe" You smiled. He runs his hand over your bump, stopping at the peak of it "Thank you so much" He says, and scoops water up over it since it was sticking out of the water "For giving me a baby boy" He says, and kisses your temple "Well, you helped, but you're welcome" You say and turn your head to peck his lips.

You moaned you had a headache and it was really bad "What can I do for you babe?" Rudy asked softly, trying not to make it worst "We just want you to lay with us," You said, and scooted over to make room for him "Hold on, I have a better idea," He says, and walks into the bathroom. You close your eyes, and Rudy walks back into the room "Sweetheart? C'mere, I have a way to get rid of your headache" He says. He helps you to sit up, and off the bed, Your belly is getting bigger, and it's getting difficult to do those things now. You waddle into the bathroom to see a bath filled to the | top "Thanks Rudy" You say, and turn around to hug him. He helps you undress and gently sits you down at the tip. After about a minute the pain in your head starts to fade. You sigh and think about how lucky you are to have a husband like Rudy.

"Babe? Naya?" Chase yelled from the kitchen, wondering where you are "In here!" You called from the bathroom. He walked in, and chuckled "What are you taking a bath for?" He asks and kneels next to you "I dunno, just felt like taking one" You smiled, and scooped water over your bump that poked out of the water. You put your hands down, and he took over. He and you just talked, him sitting down next to the bath, scooping water with his hand. He had been with the boys at a football game, while you were with the girls for a shopping trip. Chase rested his hand on the peak of your bump, not realizing it as you guys were still talking. You felt a bug kick and winced. Chase's eyes lit up at the feeling, but it quickly faded after seeing you were in pain "Are you okay?" He asks, rubbing your stomach to calm Kimberley "Little Kim, you can't hurt mummy like that" He said, smiling "She heard you talking about football. Wants to be like her dad" You giggled, trying to get out of the water. Chase's eyes brightened, and he quickly was there to help you.

"Ow, ow, ow," You say, and turn over.
Your back had been hurting and it wasn't getting any better "Austin? What's wrong?" Austin asks as he makes his way into your room "My back hurts, and it doesn't help that they keep moving" You say, and open your eyes to see him "Do you want me to start a bath for you? I read somewhere that it helps with pain" He says, and you nod. He walks into the bathroom and turns on the bath, and then comes back into the room to help you. You wince in pain as he helps you to sit up, your back aching. You both walked into the bathroom, and he helped you undress and settle into the bath. He was about to walk out before you stopped him "Austin?" You say softly "Yeah baby?" He asks "Will you stay with me?" You ask "Of course, I'll always stay with you"

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