LXIV | Baby's First New Years

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"The countdown is about to start" Chase yelled through the house, sitting in front of the TV and waiting for New York's fireworks to air. You and Drew usually go out to New York or a party for NYE, but with a four-month-old, you decided to have the cast and their families over for a small party. You held Arthur on your hip as you followed everyone into the living room and stood around the TV "10, 9, 8" The countdown began. Everyone watched the TV screen in excitement "7, 6, 5" Drew wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You bounced Arthur, making him giggle happily "4, 3, 2" Your grip on Arthur tightened as Drew's grip on you did "1, Happy New Year" The room filled with cheers as the fireworks started on tv. You moved Arthur off your hip and brought him up to your face "Happy New Year baby boy" You cooed and kissed his little cheeks. Arthur giggled and smiled wide, loving the affection "Hey, I thought I was your New Year Kiss" Drew pouted and dropped his arms down by his side. You laughed and put your little boy back on your hip "I have two boys in my life now" You said looking at your husband "But of course, you still get a kiss. Come here" Drew smiled and pressed his lips to yours, your New Year's tradition still alive.

"Thank you for having us Penny" You said to Rudy's mum "No problem, darling. We love having you here. Can't believe how much Jamie has grown" She looked towards her children and grandson in the backyard "He looks so much like Rudy at that age" You followed her gaze and smiled, our friends had lit some sparklers, giggling as they glowed brightly in the dark "Here you go Rudy," Madison said, carefully handing one to her little nephew. His eyes lit up as he watched the sparkler. He looked up at his father and giggled before looking back down at the sparkling stick in his hands "Rudy, just watch him please" You said, voice full of worry as you watched on "Don't worry baby, I've got it" Rudy smiled and looked back at Jamie. He knelt beside him and held the little boy's arm out away from his body "Dada" Jamie lisped. Rudy smiled at his son and fixed his beanie on his head, to keep him warm from the Winter air "Sparkler Jamie. It's pretty, isn't it?" He cooed. Jamie nodded and held the stick tighter "Happy New Year Jamie" He whispered, kissing his beanie-covered head. He looked over at you and mouthed "Happy New Year baby"

"Happy New Year" Yours and Chase's family yelled, waiting for the fireworks You heard a loud bang as they shot up and filled the sky with bright colors.
Everyone watched in amazement as the fireworks continued. You looked at Chase and Kimberley, hoping the six-month-old wasn't scared of the loud noises. You giggled as you watched her, the different facial expressions she made were adorable. She carefully watched the ground and her little mouth opened in shock as she heard a loud bang. She followed the noise up toward the sky and giggled as it exploded into different colors. Kendall who was standing behind you placed her hand on your shoulder and laughed "She's so cute. I thought she would have been scared, but she's not" She smiled as Kimberley's face changed every time a firework took off. Chase heard you laughing and looked at the little girl on his hip "Fireworks Kim" He cooed, pulling her blanket around her small body to keep her warm in the cold winter air. Kimberley smiled and pointed to the sky, as it turned different colors. Chase looked at you and held out his other arm for you. You blushed and stepped forward, wrapping your arm around him and melting into his body "Happy New Year my beautiful girls" He whispered and kissed your temple.

"Where are the twins Austin? The fireworks are about to start and I don't know how" Austin cut you off by placing his hands on your waist "Look darling" He whispered in your ear "They are right there. If they get scared, we can get them but they look fine" You smiled and watched the two eight and half month olds leaning up against the big window that overlooked the backyard.
The fireworks from the city could be seen out of the window at midnight. Austin's family walked into the room, waiting for the fireworks as well. You could hear the tv from the other room and the countdown had just begun "10 seconds princess" Austin whispered, wrapping his arms around you. You giggled and joined in the countdown "9, 8, 7, 6" You kept a close eye on the two twins, worried they might get scared "5, 4, 3" Everyone chanted and raised their drinks "2, 1, Happy New Year" Austin pressed his lips to yours, smiling as he pulled away "Here's to another year with my favorite girl, my wife, and mother of my children" He whispered. Suddenly you heard giggling and little 'ooh' sounds. You looked around Austin and saw the twins watching the fireworks with wide eyes. Their little blue eyes lit up as the colors filled the dark sky. You and Austin looked at each other surprised and knelt beside them "Do you like the fireworks Lea and Olive?" He asked, earning smiles and giggles in response as more fireworks went off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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