Chapter 2

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*at the chateau*

"so um... We didn't see anything we didn't do anything, we need to have total and complete amnesia" pope says in a panicky voice as he runs in and sits on the couch "actually popes right for once, see I agree with you sometimes" jj says as he gets of the couch "just like max always told me and jenna deny deny deny" jj says "yes I did tell you guys that" max says as she walks into the room there all in "guys we can't keep that money" kiara says "okay not all of us can afford unlimited data plans kiara" max says "we have to pass that off to lana grubbs other wise it's bad karma" kiara says "and it's bad karma to be implied in a felony too we gotta go dark" pope says "if that means we get to keep the money I agree" max says "I don't agree" John b says patting her on her back "what? Why?" max asks confused "this is scooter grubbs we're talking about" John b says "right?"

"same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the porthole shit one time I saw this dude begging for change in the save-A-lot parking because he needed gas" John b explains "we're talking about the same dirtbag Marina rat who's never had more then 40 dollars in his pocket and all of a sudden he's got a grady white? Just saying " John b says


"get guys wanna go to a kegger?" max suggest "sure why not" Taylor says and everyone agrees

They bring all there stuff down to the beach and set if up and as the day goes on more and more people come and they start to go there own way

"hey sar" Kia says to the blonde girl "hey Kia how are you" Sarah asks "I'm good how come your here?" Kia aks "need to get out the house for a bit I guess" sarah says and Kia nodds

"what is she doing here" kiara says "huh who?" max ask and she turns around so see Sarah and Kia talking

See that's sarah cameron the kook princess kiaras best friend in the 9th grade and worst enemy in the 10th grade a lot of us work on her dads boat so we've saw her around but her and Kia are best friends so kie doesn't like that but oh well there is one thing tho Sarah cameron is really pretty and she looks kinda cool but I would never admit that to anyone the only people who know I'm gay are jenna, jj and Taylor

Its now night time and everyone is just sat around drinking "hey Kia me and topper are going to go he needs to get home and so do I" Sarah says "alright bye Sarah text me later" Kia says smiling "yeah I will bye"

"hey Sarah can I interest you in a tasty milwaukee" jj asks "no thanks jj" Sarah says smiling "oh come on is it not fansy enough for you?" jjs says as he keeps pushing her into taking the drink " no we were just leaving" sarah says "hey you know what ill take it" topper says "hey Sarah get topper to walk away" Kia whisper in her ear "I can try but he won't listen to me" Sarah whispers back "that nice of you topper but I didn't ask you if you said pretty please then maybe but you didn't so" jj says in a drunk voice "oh pretty please" topper says "topper just walk away" sarah says "yeah sarah you can have it" jj says putting the cup in her face but topper smacked it away "she doesn't want it" topper says pushing jj and JJ pushes him back and they keep going back and forth until John b manages to break it up "your so funny man" jj says to topper "hey look at me Jay calm down" max says "dirty pouges" topper says and this time John b runs over and pushes Him "John b stop" Kia shouts to his brother



Hehe Ima leave it here lmk should they fight or should they walk away?

Ima post a new part tomorrow probably


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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