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She choked on something inside of her. Maybe it was the flesh of her throat. Maybe it was her stomach fluids. Maybe, maybe, maybe. It didn't matter, because she was definitely dying.

Her skin started to rip from the burning. Please, make it stop, she bellowed. Her voice echoed inside her skull. His form lingered over her, simply observing her die.

The light around here began to fade and flicker as her air started to taste more and more bitter on her tongue. Her chest tightened more and more. She stopped breathing.

She was definitely dead.

Was she? She could still feel herself think. In this void, dark and alone, she still felt her thoughts in the nothingness. Where am I? What is this?

This was eternity, wasn't it? This was the afterlife.

But in this darkness was a small pinpoint of light. Her soul began to drift to it.

In the silence, a sound began to trickle in. Hacking, coughing, as it got louder. She willed herself to reach. The light, the coughing, she could see something-- anything meant life now.

Her soul was then thrust back into a body, convulsing in agony, but very much alive.

And the man that once hovered over her lifeless form was now gagging, throwing up his contents, gasping for air. She gripped the wall. She could feel herself regaining balance, regaining traction in reality.

The man ran out of the room the moment he regained his own.

She cried out in joy.

She was very much alive.

DECEMBER JANEWhere stories live. Discover now