2. Hurt

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" Winters aren't as fun. It's fun when it comes to playing outside with the snow with Carl and the snow is pretty but it's cold outside and inside the house ", y/n said to Evelyn.
" y/n I know the winter isn't as fun as summer but try not to be as negative, please ?", Evelyn said .
" ok", y/n said.
" I mean you don't have to go grocery shopping , you don't need to have a job at this young age like me and Fiona ", Evelyn said .
" yeah that's true . I should be glad I'm still a kid then. I love you Evelyn ", y/n said and hugged her sister.
" I love you to y/n", Evelyn said .

Later that day y/n went over to the Gallaghers.
*Knock knock knock *

" oh hi y/n", a voice said .
" hI lip ", y/n said and walked in though the door and lip locked the door agin .
" where's Carl ?", y/n asked .
" uh I think he is over at one of his school friends house ", lip said .
" oh.....", y/n said and sat herself by the kitchen table .
" it's okay y/n , you're could always stay with us even if you aren't with Carl . You're always welcome here at the Gallaghers ", lip said .
" thank you ", y/n said looking up and smiling at lip .
Lip smiled back and said that y/n could take of her jacket, hat , gloves and her winter shoes since y/n was  snowy and the snow would melt , and he also said that he could make her some tee . She gladly agreed .
Y/n then went into the living room and sat herself on the couch and lip came some minutes after her with the tee

" lip ?", y/n said .
" yes?", y/n said .
" please don't tell my sister , she would go nuts?", y/n said .
" okay I promise ", Lip said .
" I saw our dad sucking some stuff in with his nose . It was white .. like ..ehm... I don't know.. some kind of sugar ", y/n said .
" oh gosh . That's horrible ", Lip said .
" sometimes he even drinks and takes that white thing at the same time . He drinks every day . he then acts more wired the. Usual . He even sometimes gets all worked up and starts to hit me ", y/n said .
" y/n you should try to tell your sister y/n. She's at the age of 18 and she could protect you . ", lip said .
Y/n didn't answer . She just looked at him and then started to cry . Ian and Debbie ran down to y/n and Lip. At the same time Carl , Fiona and V came in . They all ran to y/n and Lip.
" what the hell is happening?", Debbie said running down the stairs.
" is she okay ?", Ian asked running down the stairs.
" Lip what happens ?!", Fiona asked .
" It's all okay girl I'm here !", V said .
Car sat next to y/n and hugging her . Y/n hugged back and cried .
" y/n's dad is taking drugs and sometimes mixing it with alcohol and he is acting more weird then usual and she is to scared to tell Evelyn ", Lip explained.
" oh that's bad ", Ian said .
" yeah you should really tell your sister Y/n", Debbie said and went to hug y/n.
Fiona walked closer to Y/n and sat down at her feet and looking up at Y/n and touching her arms and talking her hands .
She said , " Y/n you need to talk to Evelyn , she is your sister . You sister loves you more than anything like I love my siblings. She needs to be able to protect you if something worse were to happen . Please y/n talk to her . If you're to scared we all can be by your side when you tell her or I could come with you ".

In the Evening Evelyn came over as soon as Fiona called . Evelyn opend the door and very one was sitting on our around the couch . " what is happening here ? I came her as fast as I could!", Evelyn asked .
" You know that your father drinks a lot as Frank usually does ?", Ian said .
" yeah?", Evelyn said .
" And you know that he has acted more weirdly... right ?", Lip said.
" yes?", Evelyn said.
" he has been taking drugs with the alcohol ", Ian said .
" and...and.. sometimes he has been hitting her Evelyn " , Fiona said .
Evelyn covered her mouth and looked straight up and said , " oh gosh ... oh gosh not my little baby sister ... oh Y/n ".
Evelyn came running and hugged y/n who started to cry .

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