(S) From Across The Room - Jungkook

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I'm so sick of his attitude.

If he looks over here one more time... I swear.

All night Jungkook's been giving me the evil eye from across the room since we showed up. Our manager convinced us that it was just going to be a small group gathering from the company and to relax and have fun, but how could I with Jungkook's attitude.

We never seemed to get along, and I don't know why. I have spoken to him briefly a time or two before and it was always cordial, but within the past 2 months every time I see him, he acts as if he has a grudge against me.

Aera insists he has a crush on me, but I highly doubt that.

"Why don't you just go over and confront him", Aera interrupts my thoughts, as i draw my eyes away from his, a scowl lingering on my face knowing he won that round.

"I just might if he keeps looking like he wants to fight", I huffed earning a laugh from Aera.

I finished off the rest of my drink with clear agitation before heading to the kitchen.

"Where you going Mia?, Karaoke's about to start?", Yeonjun, lightly grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"I'm just getting a refill", I forced a smile for his cute face as I lifted my empty cup to prove my point.

"Hurry back, I want to do a duet with you", he smiled warmly before letting me go, i couldn't help but smile back genuinely that time, his smiles were always so contagious.

"o-okay", i stuttered slightly, my cheeks reddened and i hurried to the kitchen, leaving a smirking Yeonjun behind.

I felt so silly, i always blushed too easily, tripping up over my words when i was nervous, a bad habit and a stupid one at that, I've known Yeonjun for years now but lack of regular men in my life was making me more awkward by the second. Soon enough i wouldn't be able to function even at these little company parties.

I need to get out more...

I flinched back with the feeling of cold fingers grazing my cheek bone.

"You're hair's not long enough to cover your blush", Jungkook spoke lowly, his fingers hovering between our faces from his touch.

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to get a gage on his emotions. His face was empty, cold, a poker face most definitely.

I rolled my eyes not bothering to respond to him, returning back to pouring myself more cola.

"you shouldn't drink that, its not good for you're health", he mumbled, still standing too close for comfort.

My jaw clenched in annoyance as i continued pouring until the dark liquid was filled to the brim.


I turned to meet his eye with smug look before i realized he had a grin spread across his face, his dark intimidating eyes lit up with amusement at my childish behavior.

I slowly took a sip keeping eye contact and in that moment i felt the room shift, i removed the cup from my lips, licking them once, watching as Jungkook's eyes followed my tongue.

His cold fingers reached out once more and gripped the cup, his hand enclosed on top of mine and bringing the cup closer to his lips, at the last moment he turned my wrist and the cup along with it to place his mouth in the same place mine had been seconds before so he could take a sip.

My eyes widened and I was sure that blush was back again, our eye contact remained and his smirk grew with the look on my face reflecting in his eyes.

His lips pushed out in a small pout before speaking smoothly, "You have no idea how badly those sweet eyes of yours make me want to bend you over this counter and -", his words were cut off with Yeonjun bursting through the door.

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