(S) Wardrobe Malfunction - Seonghwa

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Okay so definitely NOT a sweet Seonghwa story

Dominant, degrading, ver. of Seonghwa - 

This is Smut so beware.. (also have written in so long so sorry if bad :(

                  Preparing the outfits for concert performances was the most stressful part of my job. Tonight's performance was meant to be apart of their comeback tour and an introduction to their new music as well as a few familiar songs that everyone loved. Everything was going just a little screwy all night, from members showing up late, a makeup artist calling out sick, a slippery stage causing the members to almost hurt themselves. I watched from the monitor in their dressing room biting my nails anxiously as I watched San trip for the 3rd time tonight.

So far their outfits were holding up with only a few minor issues such as San ripping buttons open and a heel to Mingi's boot trying to fall off. It was my job to be on top of every outfit mishap and fix it asap. My eyes naturally drifted to Seonghwa who took the center role when I happened to notice the strain along his jacket shoulder, ripping slowly at the seam.. My breath caught as I saw it rip apart moments before the song ended and they took their ending fairy pose. Seonghwa was pissed.. and I mean very pissed off. The entire night his energy has been anxious and on edge from watching his members struggle and now this was the last thread.. literally.

My heart sunk at the sight of him glaring evilly into the camera for his end pose. Unfortunately I was the main one in control of outfits but my abilities were limited to the company's budget and my boss' regulations for me, definitely not fair to the boys but not completely fair to me either.

I watched the screen turn to black then light up with the sight of new members, my feet felt frozen to the ground as I waited for the boys to return from their last performance. Loud voices echoed down the hall and eventually the door swung open with the boys immediately stripping from their outfits and cursing amongst each other, no one bothering to spare me even a glance but to that I was actually grateful. Until I noticed a steaming Seonghwa who had refused to remove his outfit, instead he chose to sit in his designated makeup chair and stare me down similar to his ending fairy pose. A chill ran down my spine at the thoughts of what I new was about to happen.

I quickly and very quietly gathered the boys stray clothes sorting them as best as I could with daggers stabbing me in the back every move I made. The last one to finish dressing was Jongho who threw me a pitied glance and pat on my shoulder before leaving the dressing room. Now it was just me and Seonghwa, I tucked the last piece of clothing into a travel case and turned to him with my head bowed.

Hard footsteps sounded on the floor leading to his black boots appearing in my sight right in front of my own feet. He used two fingers to lift my chin and force eye contact, his look was still just as harsh.

"You embarrassed us", his voice was hoarse from singing and dancing but I knew the rough edges were mainly due to anger.

"i-im sorry, I didn't plan too, I wanted more fittings bu-but", I attempted to defend myself poorly by stuttering and blushing uncontrollably.

"Quiet!", I couldn't help from flinch at his raise in voice, my body instantly curling in on itself and tears brimming my eyes.

"You embarrassed us and now I will embarrass you", my eyes flashed up swelled with tears and now fear from his threat.

I was used to his lectures by this point but that's all it every really was, lectures and threatening looks not actually following through on his threats.. until now.

"Look at me", He grabbed my chin harshly in his grip again forcing me to look at him once more.

"My jacket is ripped, my jeans have ripped and my shoes are falling apart", he growled every word with his grip tightening on my face, reflex made me hold his arms hoping he would ease the pressure.

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