Chapter 5: The Library Excursion

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My parents were rolling in their graves. I had always thought of myself as a rational and clinical person. Clearly not true.

I followed Zen out of his mansion and to the place where last night's bright barricade tape was still enclosing the crime scene. We both silently examined the scene again for a while.

After a while, Zen broke the silence.

" My security cameras show the arrows coming from a high altitude. The chances are that it was fired from the roof of one of the buildings across the road. Shall we go and make a quick inspection?" He asked.

I agreed with him and mused that we should pay special attention to finding a scent trail, although, I knew that the killer would be smart enough to get rid of all the loose ends.

Jogging to keep up with his fast pace, I followed him towards the gates. We walked out of his long driveway and ended up on the street across from his mansion, where two tall standing buildings were taking up all the space. One was the headquarters of a security firm, while the other was an old-looking library. Silently, we both walked around them. I focus on my senses but smell nothing out of the ordinary.

"The shot was fired from a high position due to the tall mansion walls. We must also check out the roof of these buildings," Zen mused. I agreed and we headed into the nearly desolate library. There weren't many people around. We me our way towards the front desk where the librarian was sitting, her nose buried into a thick, brown book. Hearing our approaching footsteps, she lifted her head and smiled at me. Then her eyes shifted to the large figure behind me and her lips parted in shock. Before she could ask anything, Zen started speaking.

" Good afternoon. We wanted to have a look at the roof to look for something. Do you mind directing us towards it?" He smiled at the end. The receptionist just raised her hand to indicate a plain white door with a "Do Not Enter" sign on it. Walking up to it, he opened the door for me. We started climbing the flight of stairs.

The rooftop of the library was much cleaner than I had expected. Again, we examined the setting carefully. After about 10 minutes, I still hadn't found anything. I walked over to Zen. "Mr. Hayes, did you find-" I began.

"There," he intervened. Looking up towards where he had inclined his head, I squinted my eyes and looked up at the security firm. Or rather, at one of its open windows. Seeing nothing surprising, I opened my mouth when I finally saw something. A small, blinking light. Red light. From a surveillance camera in the office. It was the office and outside its window to probably a small portion of the library's rooftop.

"Zen," he murmured, unhurriedly. I unconsciously craned my neck in his direction, to find that his eyes were already on me.

"What?" I spoke softly.

"Call me Zen. I have killed many people for calling me by my surname," he mused.

Even though I knew it was a lie, because everyone had so far called him Mr. Hayes, I still felt my eyes widen.

Taking in my expression, he laughed softly and moved so that we were standing side by side. My shoulder was lightly pressing into his arm. I stiffened slightly. Ignoring my tensed-up form, he started speaking.

" I will instruct my head of security to head there right away and obtain the footage. Then we can send it to my Video Analysis team to inspect it carefully. It may take some time. Let's discuss this again tomorrow. I'll drop you back at your office," he said. I wanted to ask him why in the world would he have a Video Analysis team, when I finally processed the last part of his spiel.

"You don't need to do that. I can go back by myself," I declined, instantly, making him frown.

"No need. I don't have any other commitments. Let's go," he walked back to the stairs, making me follow him. I didn't decline his offer again, mainly because I knew he wouldn't relent. And his car had been pretty comfortable. Maybe just one last time? Then I'll return to reality.

Coming back to the front desk, Zen thanked the receptionist. She thanked him and smiled broadly, making me want to groan. Trying to flirt with one of the Royals? Foolish.

We walked back through the driveway and up to his Range Rover. He again opened my door for me. That was something I could get used to. Slipping into the driver's side, he put on his seatbelt and started driving.

"I already had my assistant send an email to your boss about your whereabouts, so you don't need to worry about explaining your absence," he stated. Damn. In my worry and curiosity, I had completely forgotten about my boss.

"Thank you. That was thoughtful of you," I voiced. I was genuinely thankful. He had most definitely saved me from an hour-long chewing out. But not from the persistent questioning I could see coming my way. As if he could read my mind, he said, "If he asks you anything tell him that it's confidential. And if he bothers you too much, just let me know next time. I will take care of it," he said.

"Take care of it? Or him?" I inquired in a baiting tone, mostly out of curiosity. A corner of his lip curved upward, in a slight smile.

"It. I'll take care of it," he said, stopping the car. Looking up, I saw that we were outside one of the fancy five-star hotels. Knowing him, it was probably Royal property.

"I thought you said that you didn't have any commitments?" I asked him while taking in the front view of the lavish building.

"I don't. But we have something important to attend to."

"Something related to the case?"

"Something like that," he said, distractedly. It was nothing like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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