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Zagreb 1968.

"According to the prophecy of Saint Brigit evil people will prevail in the year 1980. See how close we are today to these events mister Krznar, just another twelve years and we are there! According to our information, coming from the Vatican secret services, young people will be forced to lose their virginity before marriage, such terrible pressure will be created through the media that no one will be able to resist. Same as with abortion, evil will only rise, medical procedures will be turned into procedures that are life-threatening for young women, and eventually, for safety reasons, children will be killed in the abortions until their ninth month in the mother's womb, hospitals will slaughter small babies, they will wait for the child to be born first, so they will cruelly kill them at the moment when the babies are already out of the mother's womb in safety, they will crush their small heads with those forceps like teething! So if the child is already born but alive then this child is no longer an obstacle to the mother in any respect for life, is it? But no ! That's where the story goes in reverse! These are truly devilish deeds! We live in the wicked times, you understand Mr. Krznar, people's exposure to negative influences is very high, many things come into your head that would not normally enter your head, it is best not to watch television that broadcasts bad influences on young people, turn off the radio which conveys savage beats in the heart that stir up a rebellious spirit. You blame yourself too much for some things, you increase the weight of your sin too much, it is enough to say to yourself, "God, have mercy, I am here, I am your child and I want to go to heaven with my father, Jesus, come to my aid!"

"It is an exaggeration of your guilt what you are doing to yourself, for such things as disturb you, it is enough to say that you have had lewd thoughts, and that is all. That is an exaggeration on your part. You are not a rapist, sir ... You are imagining... You should put yourself in order, pick up the rosary, find places on the day of prayer, put God first, if God is first, everything else is in the right place, you understand, Mr. Krznar?! That's how it should work for you in a normal order of things!"
The Spaniard calmly and routinely recited, telling the same story for the tenth time that week, five of them just for Mr. Krznar, a 96-year-old gentleman who was dying. Krznar was a regular member of the Catholic community who, through his constant attendance at Mass and the work of the church, was able to receive this posthumous protection through connections and five interventions in one week for the same person in fear and panic of his impending death. Then the sacrament of Holy Confession was performed, Holy Communion was performed, a speech of spiritualfraternal encouragement was performed, the same speech was performed once again at the personal request...

"Organized prayer of the rosary for the dying, organized this new prayer of this new rosary - this new form of devotion introduced from Poland this year - the Rosary of Divine Mercy coming to us from Krakow thanks to this promising and praised Archbishop of Krakow... Woytila ... I forgot his name. You know, mister Krznar, we did everything you needed to do in one week, you may not die at all this week, you don't look so bad, the doctors tell me that you have pre-dramatized your condition in the last couple of times. For years now, you are constantly dying, and finally, you have to die once, you are still ninety-six years old, that awaits us all once and for all, mister Krznar, that is the will of God... "

"Ra.... rap ... ra ..." The dying old man was gasping for the air and was trying to catch his breath so that he could express his troubles again and what was bothering him in the depths of his soul. His efforts did not come to the approval of the priest Sanchez, a priest from Spain on temporary work in the city of Zagreb, which had lasted for ten years already. Sanchez was hungry and hurried to lunch: "Ohhhhh, not the rapings again, just not that!" He thought to himself as the old man rose more and more from the bed to a semi-sitting position...

"I want you to confess me, I need to let go of my soul!" Mister Krznar straightened up forward enough that he could now speak normally.

"But you have already confessed, Mr. Krznar, do you understand? You have confessed twice this week, also yesterday, you could not do anything new within ten hours, nailed to the bed here, at the age of 96, completely impaired in health, and I am a witness that you are a man of good will, and according to the teaching of the Catholic Church, all men of good will are saved, that is, such persons are not in the state of the mortal sin!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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