Im wet now...

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Your getting ready for a party.
One of Shane's friends, not a close friend but a friend he used to know at school.
Shane never really talked to him at school nor in his adulthood but sometimes.
You decided to put on this short short dress... it was silver and had a boob slit down the middle with black heeled boots.
You felt good, thats all that matters.
You check yourself in the mirror looking in every direction.
You hear a "wow" from the door way..
it was shane.
Leaning against the door way.. his hands on the top of the door way.. exposing skin from his button white shirt and black jeans with his ghost hunting boots.. might i add he was wearing a blue denim jacket..his hair was messy but also neat.. looks like he put some gel in it to keep it still..
Damn he was hot..
you giggle and blush slightly.. nervous of what he was gonna say next...
"Yes?.." you say in a seductive but soft way.. that really made him edge.. he walks towards you and holds your hips pulling you closer..
"What a gorgeous dress... but.. its a little too short..."
Ughhh.. every man says this..
"No one is gonna do anything or say or look baby.."
You say rolling your eyes..
"Did you just roll your eyes?.."
He says with a stern.. look..
You were scared to say yes..
"Yes.." you whisper..
His eyes go from stern to.. seductive in 1.00 seconds...
"With a dress like that on a woman so fucking beautiful as you i'd think they would."
He says while walking us towards the bed.
You fall back. And look up at him biting your lip but deep down you were scared.. terrified.
He gets on top and kisses you passionately.
You leave a soft high pitched moan.
Kissing back eventually.
Tongues touching.
Bodies rubbing together..
The kiss was ravenous... rough.
He pulls back before you could get another kiss in.
" baby.. please.."
You whimper. Begging.
Shane was itching. Twitching to do more but.. he knew what he was doing..
He smirked before getting up and pushing his hair back..
"Time to leave lets go"
He walks out the room.
You could tell he was smirking the whole dang time.
He left you there.. wet.. hungry.. needing him needing his attention.
You can feel your pants wet.. he really left you sopping wet.
What a dick.
You leave a big sigh and get up rubbing your thighs together trying to ignore the throbbing down there.
You apply your lipgloss and put on your black leather jacket and phone leaving the room seeing him sitting. Man spreading on the couch on his phone..
Seeing him like that. Is definitely making you feel even worse.
You get the urge to speak out
"L-lets go then"
You wanted to moan so loud and run on his lap and start making out.
Fuck the party. I want sex with my boyfriend.
He gets up by your call and walks towards you looking down on you.
You gulp and walk out the door.
Still sopping.
You both start walking to the car and both get in.
He starts the car and holds the wheel with his hand like he'd hold me..
Fuck. Everything is making me horny.
What is happening. Usually you can control this feeling but this time its like you forget how to control feelings.
You bite your lip and look away at the dark lit up houses on the way out of the neighbourhood to try and distract yourself.
But you knew what you truly wanted.

Horny at a party... Where stories live. Discover now