Fuck the party.

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You get to the house.. cars all around and music blaring but is slightly muffled.
You looked at it with your tongue pushing down on your bottom tooth.
You just want Shane. Thats all.
"Ready baby"
He says grabbing his phone and stopping the engine..
You let out a short sigh leading onto a short
You both get out holding each others hands walking up to the door going in.
The music gets louder by the door opening.
Its bouncing. You see liquor and people all around with these flashing lights.
Your slightly tooking back.
"Heyy!! Man!!"
Its Shane's friend. He has dark black hair thats slightly longer than Shane's. Wearing a plain white T with black joggers and white sneakers.
Everyone could tell that Shane was definitely more classier than all his mates. He was the classiest sexiest man there. Thats what made you love him.
"Hey dude!! Hows things"
He leans into a bro hug with him.
You slightly giggle with the cringe and cuteness.
Everyone is staring at you and Shane.. in a good way. Like you were celebs.
"You must be y/n! Looking beautiful my darling"
He lends a small cheek kiss
You smile
"Yes! And your Daniel!"
You giggle and hold close and tight to Shane.. you were nervous and Shane made you more grounded.
"Well come in do whatever you want please! Im in the kitchen if yall need me!"
You see a woman walk over. Wearing booty shorts and a very very revealing crop top with her hair.. curled.. and white sneakers.. black hair like Daniel. im guessing it's Daniels girl..
"Why hey Shane.. "
In the most annoying tone..
Holding a Prosecco.
"Hi Natalie! Looking gorgeous"
He says smiling.
Natalie psh.
As much as you wanted to rip her apart with bad words you still felt small compared to her.
"You must be y/n your looking sexy girl! Be sexy!"
She says kissing your lips in a friendly way.
Maybe she aint too bad.
You giggle
"Thank you gorgeous your looking more sexy!"
She flips her hair and poses. That definitely took down the
'I Like Natalie Meter' a smidge.
"Me and y/n are gonna get drink we'll meet yous later?"
You slightly get ready to go, waiting to go. You wanted the answers to Shane leaving you in such a way. And seeing if you can finish what we started.
"Of course mate! Go on"
You and Shane walk to the table where Shane is grabbing drinks. He gets recognised and everyone says hi.
He was startled but of course cuz he's so fucking kind he says hi back and introduces you.
Its like he was the most famous guy at school. And you were the quiet nerd who didn't know anyone.
You finally go to a quite room where there is a couple people but you didn't mind that.
Yous both sit on the couch with your leg over Shane's. Drinking your booze.
You have the urge to ask Shane about earlier but.. your too nervous..
always so fucking nervous.
Finally Shane breaks the silence.
"You okay baby girl?"
Following with a kiss on the cheek.
You nod and look at him.
"Why did you leave me so horny."
Fuck it.
He looks at you with his fucking beautiful hazel eyes. As a smirk slowly plasters his face.
"You know i love seeing you like that.. even more in public.."
You bite your lip. Frustrated.
"I want to finish it.."
You let out. With absolutely no warning. You didn't even know you did it.
Your inner goddess was too hot.
She grew bigger.
And you lean into his ear and whisper.
"Fuck the party. I want you to fuck me. Hard. Use me."
Shane's eyes widen. He licks his lips and looks at you.
"Finish what you started baby."
Shane looks you up and down and pick you up heading up the stairs quickly trying to find an empty bedroom.
Everything was going so fast but so slow.
He finds one and closes the door throwing you on the bed as you scramble up the bed
He walks towards you slowly taking his denim jacket off.
It's happening.
You take off your boots in a rush and throw them off the bed.
He gets on and starts taking off your dress leaving you in bra and panties.
You take off Shane's white button up.
He leads by taking off the bra and panties leaving you exposed.
"Wow. You really were horny."
He sees the wet on the bed and in your entrance.
Hell yes i was.
You both start making out. Tongue and moans.
"D-dont even prep me. Just fuck me."
He takes your demand as much as he wants to please you with his tongue.
He unzips and takes out his cock.
You lay down with your legs spread.
"Cmon baby.. please."
You squeal.
He enters. With his hands on each side of your head.
Thrusting. Hard.
Oh fuck.
You struggle to let out words. All you can do is moan.
Thank god the music is loud.
You arch your back.
Each thrust makes you moan his name.
He starts kissing you again.
The moans are mumbled by his kissing.
Every part of your body is tingling.
Your hot.
He speeds up.
Your at your breaking point. Your climax.
He lifts you up so your chest to chest.
You bounce. While he thrusts.
Your so close.
You can feel it.
Yes yes yes.
You climax leaving a linger of a moan.
But Shane keeps going.
"Holy s-shit baby."
He says in a deep voice.
He soon climax's pulling out onto your stomach.
Finally. You finished.
Both panting.
You wrap your arms around Shane's neck and kiss him.
He kissed back holding you close.
"Thank you for finishing..."
"Anything for my baby."

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