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chapter one: wild fire
1.01, from a spark to a flame

Valerie Moore sat beside a girl named Blake, whom she had multiple classes with. The two were on the bus, Blake had taken the window seat, though Valerie was still looking out the window. Watching as a fire truck passes by, the bus hadn't moved from its spot in a total of like 15 minutes.
Everyone began to file over to the side of the bus that Blake and Valerie were sat on. Valerie's eyes were wide as she saw the fire getting closer and closer. "Connor, hey Connor, why are we stopped?" A boy asks, standing to his feet, turning back Valerie sees it's Everett. "Nobody knows. Look at that shit." Connor answers, turning back to look at the fire. Everyone else doing the same.
"Everybody get back in your seats. Your really not supposed to be up in the isle." The bus driver tells everyone, though no one ever moved from their spots as they continued to watch the fire grow. "Look at that car."  Everett says, he was standing beside Valerie and Blake, but in the seat in front of them. "Huh?" Blake asks, her and Valerie turning to him.
"Oh, uh. See that car," Everett says, pointing out the window, "there's no one behind the wheel. The driver abandoned their car." He tells them. "Maybe their coming back." Blake says.
"I doubt that." Valerie comments, Everett nods, agreeing with Valerie, "Maybe they didn't want to burn to death in their car." Everett states, turning back to look at the two. The three fall quiet as Blake slowly turns away from him, while Valerie was looking out the window.
Everett points at another thing, it was a guy shutting his door and walking away from his car. "I don't think he's coming back." Everett comments. Valerie looks down at his shaking hand, trailing her eyes up to his face, "Oh, um, it's called psychogenic tremor. I've got-got anxiety." Everett explains.
"Doesn't everyone?" Blake asks looking back out at the fire. "Not like me." Everett comments. A notification chime goes through out the whole bus. "It's from the school." Valerie says, already knowing that Blake didn't have a phone, Everett notices that Blake had sat down, "You lose your phone?" He questions.
Blake shakes her head, "Oh, I don't have one." Blake tells him, "You don't have a phone?" Everett asks, his voice going up an octave. "What's the text say?" Blake asks, "What, are you, like, not allowed to have a phone?" Everett asks, not dropping the subject though Blake has tried to change it.
"No. I just... I choose not to. It's a thing. You wouldn't get it. What's the text say?" Blake asks, "Classes are cancelled. They're shutting down all the schools near the fire." Valerie tells her, "Wait, why wouldn't I get it?" Everett asks.
Blake shakes her head, "It's personal preference. I don't have a phone, no computer, no email. Everyone's got a thing. I've got a thing about phones and you have a psychotic tremor." Blake tells him, not trying to hurt his feelings, but get off the subject.
"It's psychogenic tremor." Everett corrects, "What's the difference?" Blake asks, "I'm not psychotic." Everett tells her, tilting his head down to them. "You sure about that?" Blake asks, getting Everett to chuckle weakly. "They're evacuating Altadena and Eagle Rock." Connor tells everyone, showing his phone to the whole bus. "I live in Altadena." Blake says, Valerie stands up, beside her.
"Did you say Eagle Rock?" A girl asks, Connor nods, "Atwater Village, too." "But they're doing that to be safe, right? It doesn't mean our houses are actually burning down." The girl asks worriedly, "If they're saying evacuate, I think they're pretty worried about sh¡t burning down." Connor tells the girl.
"Hey, Phoebe, can I borrow your phone for a sec? I just need to send a message to my brother." Blake asks, moving up a couple seats, "For real? You don't talk to me for over a year and now you want to be friends again?" The girl, Phoebe, asks turning to Blake after taking pictures of the fire.
"No, I-I just want to borrow your phone." Blake tells her, Phoebe scoffs, shaking her head "You're unbelievable." Turning away from Blake, she turns back to the front of the bus. Blake walks back to her seat, "Here." Valerie says, holding her phone out to Blake, "you can use mine." She tells her. Blake softly smiles at her, "Thank you."
Valerie nods, "You're welcome." "You need to open the door right now." Austin tells the bus driver, "If I let all of you run out into the street, I could lose my job." She tells him, "We could lose our lives. I kind of think that's more important than your shitty minimum wage job." Austin tells her.
"Can you stop recording me, please?" The bus driver asks, noticing the phone that Austin had that was pointed right at her. "Fսck no. This is evidence for my parents when they come pull my dead body out of here." Austin tells her.
"I'm trying to do the right thing." The lady says, Blake hands Valerie her phone back, and leaves the seat, "So am I which is why I'm posting this so people know who killed a bus full of high school students." Blake walks right up to Austin, ripping his phone right of his hand and throwing it out the window, everyone on the bus gasps.
Austin turns back to Blake with an incredulous look on his face, "What the fսck is your problem?" Austin asks. Not getting an answer, he sighs, he turns around and walks to the door, "What? Don't go out there, Austin." Someone calls out as Austin gets off the bus, sighing, "Don't go out there." A girl says, and everybody begins to talk, and Valerie can't seem to think.
Austin walks around the entire bus, to get his phone, everyone watching as he does so. And then everyone hears animals growling and then a lot of hooves.
"What is that?" Someone yells, they were off the bus, everyone began to freak out. Everyone filled out of the bus, but Everett and Valerie stayed. And continued to look out the window, and there stood a ram, he roared slightly. But he wasn't running like all of the other animals.
Though he did appear to be hurt. His antler was on fire, along with his back, with claw marks on its stomach that looked to show its bones. Locking eyes with the ram, Valerie backs away, and gets ready to run, "Here. Here. Come on." Everett says, helping Connor with his cruch, "Oh, thanks." Connor says.
As soon as the three are off the bus, Connor is gone, turning towards the left, Valerie sees a woman get ran into by a deer and hits the back of her car, before the deer runs off. Everett's mouth falls open. "Come on! Back to the bus." Austin tells the two, "What?" Valerie questions, "There's something out..." Austin tells them, grunting.
"Austin? Austin! Oh, fսck." Everett says, coughing as the walk the right way, behind them someone gets slammed into the bus, "Holy shit." Everett says, as he continues to follow Valerie. A deer comes running by the end of the bus, and a man backs up and gets on top of a car, and then a horse comes running through and steps onto the man's face. "Oh my god!" Valerie yells, scared for her life.
Backing away from the end of the bus, the two turn around and run the other way. Dodging people left and right. Looking at a plain white truck, they see a shadow of something big. Standing on its own two feet. Before the two knew it, they were thrown, and bitten. Everett had landed on the car, rolling off, while Valerie barely touched the car, and mostly ended up on the ground. Getting up off the car, where Blake and Everett had joined her.
Valerie quickly moved away from the area as she saw a car on fire that was heading straight for them. After hearing the crash, Valerie leans up and sees Everett leaning over Blake. "You guys okay?" She asks them, Blake pushed Everett off and stands to her feet. "Run. Are you stupid? Run!" Blake tells him. Everett starred back at Blake as she runs, Valerie goes to hold her leg, noticing Everett holding his shoulder.
Not wanting to be anywhere near this, Valerie looks back at Everett and then quickly looks over at Blake, she makes sure their both okay, and then the three are all running in different directions.


Valerie had made it to her driveway, sighing in relief when she doesn't see her parents cars there, quickly walking up to the door. Valerie grabs her key out of her backpack and unlocks the door and quickly walks in, groaning in pain when her leg, that was bitten, rubs against the table right beside the door. "Ahh." She mutters.
Looking around the house, she notices none of their workers were here. Taking a second to breath, Valerie puts her back to the door, taking deep breaths. Making her way up the stairs, Valerie heads for her parents bedroom, well actually their on suite.
Heading straight for the cabinets, Valerie opens up all of the doors, looking for something in particular. Finding what she was looking for, she pulls out a first aid kit. Smiling happily, she stands up, closing all of the doors. Leaving her parents bathroom, she makes her way to her own room and into her bathroom. And spends the next thirty minutes patching herself up.

Samantha's corner

Hey guys! That's the end of chapter one. So as you know this is a girl x Harlan, I don't know if you did read the disclaimer or not, but it basically explained that Harlan is bisexual and not gay. And if you did read the description, Harlan has been in love with Valerie for a while.

Bye my lovelies! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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