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chapter eight: don't ask
1.03, origin point

     Valerie sat on Harlan's lap, while Blake, Luna, Everett, and Harlan squeeze into the back seat while Michael and Garret sit up front, the latter driving.
     "But then the bite healed. And so did theirs. Except Conners didn't look the same. And it didn't heal." Everett explains to the two adults, "Who's Connor?" Michael asks, glancing back at the kids.
     "My friend, he called me from the hospital and something was trying to kill him just like the voice who told us. Now nobody can find him." Everett tells him.
     "You have no idea who called you?" Garrett questions, his eyes not leaving the road. "He knew my name. Told me to leave the hospital and that he was going to kill me before the next full moon." Everett tells him.
     Valerie sighs, snuggling further into Harlan's chest, she was glad to be away from the police station, Harlan subconsciously wraps his arms tighter around her waist.
      Everett leans back, squishing the four even further, Valerie brings her legs in between Harlan's and just sits there not moving. Though they really couldn't. "Umm, where are we going?" Blake asks breaking the silence.
     "You're coming back with us." Luna tells her, taking Blake's attention off of Garrett. "I have to get back to the motel." Blake states, "We have to talk first." Michael tells them. "I'll take you both wherever you need to go, but we need to hear the whole story." Garrett tells them
     "Whatever the three do you saw on the highway.. whatever bit you.. came after me too." Garrett tells them, "Did you see it?" Harlan asks, his attention on his "father"
     "I don't know what I saw. Something hit the truck and I ran." Garrett explains, "That's what pushed you over the fire line." Luna says, connecting the dots.
     "Was it.. him?" Harlan asks, stopping, Garrett turns to look at him, "Was it our real father?" Harlan asks again. Garrett turns back to the road, staying quiet.


Garrett and Michael were the first to enter the Briggs' house, Luna, Harlan, and Valerie following, then Everett and Blake. Garrett gives Harlan a signal, and he goes and locks windows and doors.
"You know we have questions too." Everett states as Luna gets a water out of the fridge, "I wish I had the answers. To be honest, we don't know much more about this than you." Garrett explains, walking around the two kids.
"Well, what about them. Haven't they been, like.." Blake trails off, not wanting to say the word "You can say it." Everett tells her, "I'm not saying it." Blake denies.
Harlan scoffs, "You're going to have to say it eventually." He tells her, Valerie moving over closer to him, leaning against him as he leans against the counter. "You're like us now." Luna tells her, handing Garrett and Michael each a water bottle, Harlan's arm wrapping around Valerie's chest, holding her close to him.
Blake looks at Luna, "I'm definitely not like you." She tells her, looking Luna up and down. It's quiet before Garret speaks up, "I need to talk to these guys alone."
Michael nods, "Yea, I'm going to need a father daughter talk as well." He tells them, Garret nods, turning to Blake and Everett, "Don't go anywhere, Kay?" He says, the two teens share a look, ultimately agreeing.
Garrett sighs, "Guys." He says, leading Harlan and Luna away, Michael walking behind him, "When you're done come and join us." Garrett tells him, Michael nods, leading Valerie to a room upstairs.
"You knew!" Valerie whisper yells as soon as the door was shut. "Yes. Now why didn't you tell me you were but?" Michael asks, "I didn't want you or mom to worry." Valerie tells him, it going silent between them.
"Wait, does mom know?" Valerie asks him, he slowly nods, "Then why didn't you just tell me!" She tells him, "Well, because Garrett didn't want us to." Michael explains to her, "Why not?" Valerie asks, "It's not like I would've gone and told anyone. I mean, Luna's been my best friend since we were children."
Michael nods, "I know Sweetie, but..." he trails off, "But what?" Valerie asks him, "Ok, fine. You and Harlan have a special bond.. and not a friend bond. A lover bond.. kinda like mates." Michael explains, "Mates?" Valerie questions.
"Well, exactly like mates.. you and Harlan are soulmates." Michael tells his daughter, "So you knew, and we're about to ridicule me about being close with Harlan?" Valerie asks, "Well.. yea." Michael tells her.
Valerie sighs, "Let's just go join them." She says, rolling her eyes, the daughter and father duo walk downstairs, creaking open the door, "Nothing has ever happened to us on a full moon." Luna says, looking at Harlan as Valerie and Michael quietly walk in.
"I wouldn't say nothing." Garrett says, getting Luna's attention back on him, "It was a full moon the night I found you. What are you guys feeling right now?" Garrett asks, "Anything different?" Garrett asks the twins as Luna looks over at her brother
"When Everett was being question we were in separate rooms but we could hear each other. Like we could all hear each other." Luna tells him, looking back at him. "You mean the way Harlan can hear?" Garrett asks,
Harlan nods slightly, "Its like we were sharing it." Harlan tells him, Luna looking over at her brother as Valerie slowly walks up beside him and wraps her arm around his waist while Michael walks around the desk to stand by Garrett. "It's because we're a pack. We're connected." Luna tells him pointedly.
Valerie feels Harlan tense up, rubbing small circles onto his back, "We're not connected." Harlan tells Luna. "Ok, we barely even know them—" "Was it just the hearing, did you guys see anything? Or sense anything else about them?" Michael asks, cutting off Harlan.
"Our eyes." Luna says, getting the two adults attention, "When we were together for the first time in the woods our eyes were.. glowing." Luna explains, "Glowing?" Garrett questions, leaning back in his seat. "Jesus. Ok, anything else?" He asks.
Luna leans off the desk, looking at Harlan, "Like what?" She asks, Harlan opens his mouth to say something, but Garrett gets up "I don't know." He tells his adoptive kids. "Are you trying to ask us if we think they're going to turn into actual werewolves?" Harlan asks.
"Grow fangs? And hair? And run around in the woods and kill some fucking deer?" Harlan asks, moving closer to Garrett as he walks, while Valerie stays back by Luna. "If they do, let's hope that's all they kill." Garrett tells him.
"We have never killed anything before." Luna tells him, "You've never had a pack before." Garrett retorts, Harlan looks back at Luna and Valerie, none of them speaking.

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