henrys pov - really charlotte?

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Oh my god I just heard a scream. It sounded like charlotte. I quickly sprinted back to the car, going as fast as I could. On my way there I twisted my ankle but I couldn't slow down now. I had to get back to the car. When I arrived at the car my ankle was already swelling a lot. I quickly opened the door expecting charlotte to either not be there or be knocked out. Low and behold she was just sitting there. "Oh my god charlotte are you ok, what happened?" I said concerned. " I just saw a bug and I dont know what kind of bug it was" she said nervously. "Really?" I replyed angrily. "What's wrong with you" she said in a sassy voice. "I just sprinted half a mile because I heard you scream and I thought you were hurt or in danger. Whats even better is I twisted my ankle and now its all swollen and its killing me but I kept running because I thought you were in danger!!!!" I replyed, rage bubbling inside of me. " I.. I.. dont..im...im..sorry." she said with tears forming in her eyes. I had never yelled at charlotte unless I was just playing around. I guess I didnt realize it but I was just yelling at her. A small tear ran down her cheek and I climbed into the car. "No, im sorry. Im sorry I got us into this mess. I shouldnt have drove into the woods in the first place. This is all my fault." I said with a lump in my throat. "No" she started only to be interrupted by me. "Also im sorry I yelled, I dont like to yell especially at you. Im just tired, and confused about how I feel after that thing happened, and I just wanna go home and think" I said with tears welling up in my eyes. It wasnt normal for me to cry. But I was stressed and the only person thats here is charlotte and I've cried in front of her. She wont judge me. She leaned in and gave me a tight hug. " how about we wrap your ankle and then sleep and we can talk in the morning about this whole mess because the way I see it we both need sleep." She said calming me down. "Yah lets do that" I said. So she wrapped my ankle and we both layed down. "Goodnight charlotte." I said drowsy. "Goodnight henry."

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