knowing you

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After a week Maria started living in the manor and already everyone loves her here she really knows how to melt hearts I wonder which parents side she got that from. somehow I've became her Second dad she keeps calling me papa and i don't know whether to be proud or worried. I took the liberty on babysitting the pup while Logan is at a meeting but I'm not doing this alone walker is on babysitting duty aswell, he and I put our differences aside to protect the little pup and keeping her out of trouble but she is full of energy she makes us tired, Outside Maria is running around the courtyard as me and walker chase her, not gonna lie it's actually fun playing ... makes you feel like a kid again. 

Henry: y/n Logan request you to see him.

Y/n: I'll be right with him.

Logan stare through the window seeing Maria playing with walker. Y/n came in the office sweating from chasing Maria around.

Y/n: you wanted to see me sir.

Logan: yes I want to ... I want to thank you.

Y/n: your welcome sir?

Logan: the manor has brighten up since we decided for Maria to live here. I'm happy I get to see my little pup.

Y/n: I'm glad your happy sir.

Logan: I never felt this happy for a longest time... I also wanted to ask if you like to come with me to the park.

Y/n: is there another business meeting there.

He stiffened as he was getting nervous about something.

Logan: no it's just an outing I've been stuck in this room working and I just wanted to spend the day at the park.

Is he asking me out on a date, no It can't be.

Y/n: I'll tag along sir.

The wolf's tail wagged happily as I accept his invitation.

Logan: good I'll have Henry bring new clothes for you.

I nodded and left the room.

later at the park Logan and I walked around the park we made our way to the bridge it was wooden well built over a clean blue river Logan stopped in his tracks on the bridge and spoke.

Logan: I wanted to talk to you about something.

Y/n: about what?

The wolf leaned on the railing.

Logan: have you ever been in love y/n?

Y/n: ... yeah I have, I didn't end well.

Logan: how so?

Y/n: I had a friend whose a husky, he and I were inseparable for years I always thought maybe he hates my guts for my way of doing things. He was a boy scout and I was a rule breaker we were not prefect but we made a good team. It ended badly I was supposed to tell him something important but never got to.

Logan: what was is it you gonna say to him?

Y/n: I was going to tell him to marry me.

Logan: I'm... I'm sorry I asked.

The wolf's ears drooped in sympathy.

Y/n: no no no, I want to let this all out  all of that was in the past.

Logan: do you miss being happy?

Y/n: yeah, I do.

The wolf stared and stood up.

Logan: you remember the other day about me having a wife and kid.

Y/n: Yeah.

Logan: Bianca and I don't see eye to eye we've never loved eachother. It was arrange marriage by my father so he can have a grandchild so the Clayton family line can strive, I tried telling my father that I don't want be married to someone I didn't love.

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