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🦋🦋🦋"All right, nuns'll be there soon

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"All right, nuns'll be there soon. I'm gonna grab one of the Irish, have him navigate." Jax announced walking into the room.

"i'm going with you." Aurora stood "Me too" Gemma nodded "Aurora" Jax sighed "I'm going!" Aurora snapped.

"You're gonna need the truck to get the baby home." Bobby added "let them go" Clay grumbled "try not to kill anyone" he warned.

"Let's go. We'll go run down this address." Opie huffed "You take Bobby. Me and Ope can handle the nuns." Jax told Clay.

"You just get our boy. We'll worry about the Irish." Clay said before Jax pulled Aurora to him by her belt loop.


When they arrived at the nun's place a guard met them.

"Straight on through." The guard told them.

Aurora was the first through the door, rapidly checking each and every crib for her son.

"Where is he?" She whirled around to face the nun "Father Ashby said you'd be coming by." The nun said "Where. Is. My. Son." Aurora spat.

"Please, come in and have a seat." Sister Miriam said "Where is Abel?" Jax exclaimed "He was given to a family two days ago." Miriam told them.

"You better be fucken joking! you can't give up my kid!" Aurora yelled, lunging towards the nun "hold on" Opie mumbled, grabbing Aurora and pulling her away from the frightened nun.

"What family? Where is he now?" Jax shook his head "Look, I don't have that information." Miriam muttered "Then who does?" Jax questioned "An independent mediator protects everyone's anonymity." The nun informed.

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