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Y/n was always depressed. Always has been. Her meds didn't help much. She always had thoughts of doing it but she never thought she'd be in this position. She was regretting her decision heavily. Y/n walked down the stairs, nearly falling a few times. 

Isaac happened to be in the kitchen. "You okay?" he asked, watching her sloppy movements. "No," she said as the tears started flowing. "I need to go to the hospital," she choked on a sob. 

Immediately getting concerned, he helped her sit down. "What? Why?" he questioned. "I took too many," she answered. Immediately he knew she meant pills. He rushed to get shoes on. She already had shoes on so it was clear she wanted to go to the hospital. 

His mind was racing. Why would she do it? Was it worse than she made it out to be? The answer to the second question was yes. Her therapy didn't help anymore and neither did the meds. 

He got a couple of bags for incase she had to puke and got her out to the car. She had taken off her hoodie by now. He started driving immediately. 

"You're going to be okay," he stated. She had stopped crying. All she did was nod before she gagged. He handed her a bag and she opened it. Luckily there wasn't a hole in it because she threw up almost immediately. "It's hot," she said after finishing. 

Isaac rolled down her window a bit and let out a sigh. He body was making her get it out of her system. "I don't want you to leave me," Isaac whispered. "I did it on purpose but I messed up. I don't wanna die," she started crying again. "You're not going to die! You're going to be fine. The doctor's are gonna help you," he raised his vice on accident.

Her crying grew a little more due to him yelling at her. He was just stressed. He didn't want to lose his best friend.

The soon arrived at the ER and went in. Y/n explained the situation through tears and they were taken back to a room immediately. Y/n was hooked up to a few things and given a barf bag. Her hand was shaking as she listened to the nurses talk about it in the other room. 

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "Don't apologize," Isaac told her as his phone was blowing up. The boys had heard them leave and were confused. "Why though?" he asked. "I was on auto pilot and wasn't entirely thinking. I just thought it would be the best option," she sighed. He nodded and grabbed her hand that didn't have a white clip on it.

He rubbed his thumb on the back of it as the nurse came in. "We're going to hook you up to an IV to help cleanse your system. You're going to be fine," the nurse smiled sadly. Y/n nodded and the nurse left.

"Look, Y/n, if you ever need to talk from now on, talk to me. I will listen to even the simplest thing you're sad about. I don't want to lose you," Isaac told her, squeezing her hand. She nodded. 


It's been a month. Y/n was in the mental hospital for the month, getting the help she needed. Today was her discharge day. Isaac was supposed to be picking her up. "Alright, Y/n, your friend is here to get you," the charge nurse of the wing spoke up. 

Y/n looked up from the papers she was reading for one of her new diagnoses that the physician found she should get tested for. She got up and followed the charge nurse to her room. She was allowed in and got her stuff ready. 

Soon enough, she saw Isaac. She immediately rushed up to him, dropping her stuff and hugging him. The nurse that had walked her down smiled. It was always sweet seeing the patients greet their friends. 

"I missed you," Y/n whispered. "I missed you too. Let's finish everything and go get Subway, kay?" he pulled away to look at her. She nodded and grabbed her stuff. She had to sign a few papers but was then released. 

She immediately got blinded by the sun, something she hadn't seen all month. "How you feeling?" Isaac asked as they made their way to his car. "Better." He nodded and helped her stuff the bags she had into the backend. 

They looked at each other and smiled. "I love you," he blurted. He seemed shocked he said it, making Y/n giggle. "I love you too, dummy," she flicked his forehead after standing on her tiptoes to reach. "Actually?" he asked as they got in the car. "Yeah. I realized in the place. It helped me regulate my emotions and figure out what I felt. And I realized I fell for you," Y/n explained. 

Isaac grabbed her hand. "How about we talk about this later and focus on being happy you're out of the mental hospital, yeah? For now, just friends that say I love you," he stated. "Friends that say I love you," she nodded. 

✯860 words✯
Woah. Okay. Cute little confession at the end. Y/n does get better! I couldn't just have her die. But anyways, hope you suffered a bit. I wanted to make a sad one shot, so this is what you got. 

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