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Iroh is seen sitting on a hill, wishing his late son a happy birthday as he begins to sing.

"Leaves from the vine
Falling so slow
Like fragile, tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little solider boy, come marching home
Brave solider boy, come marching home."

Katara and Sokka look out to the ships that are leaving the Southern water tribe village, sad to see their father leaving.

"Leaves from the vine, in orange glow
A sun setting in the sky, the edges
cracked though whole
Little solider boy, what's left of home
Brave solider boy, please come back home."

Zuko looks at a banner of the fire nation symbol, holding a fist as his thoughts lead to inner turmoil.

"Leaves in the grass, their numbers grow
Clinging to the vine, not knowing what's below
Little solider boy, can I come home
Brave solider boy, will come home."

Aang stares out at the sky, remembering his time before he ran away from his responsibilities, and how he doesn't have a home to return to.

"Leaves on the wind, where do they go
They flutter, spin, and drift along
Dancing to the flow
Little solider boy, where is your home
Brave solider boy, no longer home."

Konraq stares out at the sea, before he looks at the Camera, a cold look with anger hidden behind those eyes now stare at a dozen fire nation soldiers, all dead.

"Leaves on the rain, the torrent overflows.
The storm brews in the sky, blocking out the moon.
Little soldier boy, you have found your home.
Brave soldier boy, you must protect your home."

Konraq turns and see's his friends. He gives a soft smile as he walked towards them, who greet him.

(I dont own the song, I only own the last verse.)

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