The boy in the Iceberg

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Water... Earth... Fire... Air.

Katara: (Narration) "My grandmother used to tell me stories. A time of peace. When the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribe's, Earth kingdom, Fire nation, and Air nomads. But that all changed when the fire nation attacked. Only the Avatar, Master of all four elements, could stop them. Only he could stop the Ruthless fire benders. But when the world needed him most... he vanished. 100 years have passed and the fire nation is nearing victory in the war. Two years ago, my father and the men of the tribe left to help in the fight against the fire nation, leaving me and my two brothers to look after the tribe. Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air nomads, and that the cycle is broken. But I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow, the Avatar will return to save the world."
The Scene opens up with a kanoe drifting down a current in the ocean. 3 people were in it. Sokka, the wannabe Warrior, Katara, the novice Waterbender, and Konraq, the older brother of the two. Konraq was old enough to leave with Hakota and the other men to join the war, but he decided to stay with his siblings, since they would look to him for guidance, other than Gran gran. Sokka had a spear and was trying to catch a fish with it.

Sokka: "It's not getting away from me this time. Watch and learn, Katara. This is how you catch a fish."

Katara looked at him with annoyance but looked at the water. She see's a fish swim by. She takes off one of her gloves and tries to waterbend the fish out of the water, which she does. Konraq simply watched in silence.

Katara: "Sokka! Konraq! Look!"

Sokka: "Shh, Katara. You're gonna scare it away. Mmm, I can already smell it cooking..."

Katara: "But Sokka, I caught one!"

Sokka then pulled back the spear to stab at the fish in the water, but he accidentally pokes the water bubble that had Katara's fish in, causing the water to splash him.

Katara: "Hey!"

Sokka: "AAH!"

Sokka turned back at Katara, angry.

Sokka: "Why is it, every time you play with magic water, I get soaked."

Katara: (Scoffs) "It's not magic its waterbending, and its--"

Sokka: "Yeah, yeah, an ancient art used by our ancestors that's unique to our culture, blah blah blah. Listen, all I'm saying is if I had weird powers, I'd keep my weirdness to myself."

Konraq: "Your a kid who believes himself to be a Warrior, you have no respect for people, and your narcissistic."

Sokka glared at Konraq for a second, before the Boat suddenly jerks and they get caught in a current. Sokka pulled out an oar and tried to steer the boat, but they start hitting some Ice.

Katara: "Watch out! Go left! Go left!"

Konraq was holding on, trying not to get thrown off the boat. But they get caught in between some Ice and the boat breaks, but it knocks them into a small Ice sheet.

Katara: "You call that left?"

Sokka: "You don't like my steering. Maybe you two should have waterbended us out of the Ice."

Katara: "So it's our fault?"

Sokka: "I knew I should have left you at home, Katara."

Konraq: "Thats enough, both of you."

They both were silent.

Sokka: (Quietly) "Leave it to a girl to screw things up."

Katara's eye twitched. Konraq just facepalms.

Blood is thicker than Water. (Atla x Male OC.)Where stories live. Discover now