Chapter Seven

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Nathan's POV

It was just after lunch and we were all back working on our newest project. The guys and I were working on the frame of the small building. I felt my phone ring in my pocket and quickly pulled it out to look at the caller ID and saw it was my mom, so I quickly answered.

"Hey mom, what's up?"

"Son, you need to get down to the hospital. Lilly fainted and hit her head on the table as she fell."
It seemed like my whole world just came crashing down. I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't move. She was doing so well and seemed like she was getting her memory back. What could have happened. I hope it is nothing serious. It seemed like forever before I could say something, but it was only a few seconds.

"Nathan, are you there? Snap out of it. She needs you, hurry."
"I'll be there as soon as I can."
I quickly hang up and head over to the guys to let them know I need to go.

"Hey guys, I have got to go to the hospital. Lilly fainted and hit her head."

"Is she alright?" Connor asks.

"I don't know. I don't think she is awake yet."
"Go dude, we got this. Just let us know how she is." Eric says with concern.

"Will do. I'll see you later."
I quickly ran to the truck and headed off to the hospital. Not long after I park the truck and rush inside. Quickly running up to the desk, I ask the nurse where LIlly is. I hear my mom come down the hall and she leads me back to her room.

"Come on son, she is sleeping right now. They have done all of the tests and will be back soon."
I follow her back to Lilly's room and I follow her inside. I stop at the door and can't move inside. She is laying there still on the bed attached to monitoring equipment and hooked up to iv fluids. After a few seconds and a push from mom, I walk over to her and place a kiss on her forehead. We have been here before but last time she was never unconscious. I am worried for her. Pulling up a chair I sit down next to her bed and take her hand in mine, watching her sleep.

"They haven't said anything about what is going on?"
"No they haven't yet. The doctor should be back soon though with the results. They pulled a lot of blood and they just brought her back from the cat scan."

"She has been through so much. I hate that she is back here again."
We had been sitting talking for a little while and I turned to see her eyes flutter open.

"Hey sweetheart, you had us all worried. How are you feeling?" I ask.

"My head is pounding and I feel nauseous."
"Let me call for the doctor, you just rest."
I quickly go out and let the nurse know that she is awake and what she said. The nurse called for the doctor and said he would be in, in just a bit. I walk back and see that mom had helped Lilly sit up. I walk back in and sit down and soon the doctor comes in.

"Well, good to see you awake, Lilly. How are you feeling?"
"Like my head is going to explode and like I want to vomit."
"That is usual for a concussion. I was headed back in to go over your tests. So I am glad you're awake. Your scan shows no swelling of the brain and no bleeding, which is good. Your blood work is great. You are dehydrated though. I also want to congratulate you two, though."
We both look at each other, wondering what he is talking about. Not quite sure why he would be congratulating us.

"For what?" I ask.

"You're pregnant, Lilly."

"I'm what?" She asks in a panic.

"What did you say?"

"Your test came back positive. I am going to have them bring in the ultrasound so we can check how far along you are. I will be right back."

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