Ms. Fenty (II)

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I strolled through the semi empty hallways of my job. Graduation was right around the corner and it seemed like my workload had tripled. This time of the school year is one of the busiest.

Which means that I hadn't been with Y/N as much as I want to be. We text all the time. Well not as of lately. I kinda feel like she's ignoring me because I've been so busy but it's not my fault. I have hell students to deal with.

But it's all work. I don't look at any other student or any other person period the way I look at her. The only fault that makes this wrong is my job. We're both of legal age. But since she's a student I could lose my job forever.

I just don't know what it was about her that caught my attention. A lot of other students would try to flirt with me but it always seemed to irritate me. Then when she came along I was intrigued.

She seemed different. Everyone else sounded like they just wanted to get in my pants. It was hidden in the words they said. Except with her it was nonstop compliments of her saying that I was most beautiful woman that she's ever seen.

It didn't help my case that she just so happens to be really good looking. And since I'm newer here I was confused when I heard that she had a dick. Overheard that from some group of girls. According to them it's really big too.

After that I started to notice her print would show in certain pants that she wore. She was consistent in getting me to return the feelings that she had for me. And it worked.

The very first time we kissed in my classroom was a bold move but it confirmed my feelings. But now I'm scared. She's about to graduate and I feel like once she does, I'll never see her again. I don't want to think about that.

I turned the corner and seen her engaged in a conversation with the Bailey sisters, Chloe and Halle. I was about to say something until I realized that it's a free period and after this is lunch. Which is exactly why I don't have a class right now.

Y/N looked at me like always and I barely looked back continuing down the hall. About two minutes later I felt a presence walking with me.

"You good?" Y/N asked.

"I'm just fine." I answer.

"You lying and I don't like that." She said.

She grabbed my hand and secretly dragged me into the teachers lounge. It was the abandoned one. They made a newer lounge and stopped using this one once they took the vending machines out of here.

"What's wrong Robyn?" She asked.

She locked the door and opened the window to let in some light. Turning on the room light would alert anyone that passes by. I sat on a desk letting my feet dangle.

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