Her Sister

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Beyoncé / Solange

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Beyoncé / Solange


"The fuck do you want me to say Y/N?" Solange yelled.

I sighed trying to calm myself down. "Anything except the bullshit you keep telling me. But it's good Solange. I don't even know why I continue to care."

I walked out of the bedroom, going down to the basement. I turned this space into my getaway area. I think I decorated it real nicely.

From down here I heard the front door slam. I knew she was gonna leave. She always does. Solange and I have been together for some years now but it's not the same.

We just don't seem to get along anymore. We're always arguing now. She stays gone all hours of the day, which is one reason why we fight. She's just not the same.

I won't fully say it's her fault. Things change, people change. I'm not gonna say I'm the same from when we met but I don't think I've changed as much as she did.

I think we both know that the relationship is beyond repair but yet here we are. Doing the same thing we've been doing for the past six months.

I inhaled the smoke from the freshly lit blunt, immediately feeling much calmer than before. Family Guy played on the tv screen but I barely paid attention to it. I popped open the Hennessy, drinking it straight out of the bottle.

There was a soft knock on the door before someone came down the steps. Beyoncé stood there with a sympathetic look. I kinda feel bad for her.

She doesn't live out here and only came out here to visit us. Have a good time and shit like that but all she's been doing is hearing me and her sister fight nonstop. Not an ideal vacation.

She's cool though. She's a lot like Solange just older and wiser. A lot like the Solange I fell in love with that is.

"Same shit, huh?" Beyoncé asked, sitting next to me.

"Yeah." I replied, blowing out some smoke.

"Why?" She questioned, making me look over at her. "Why do y'all continue to do this instead of just letting go and moving on?"

"Honestly." I started. "I think I'm still holding on to who she used to be. She used to be so different, we used to be so different. We used to be happy and in love."

"And trust me I know that I have to let her go but every time I see her face, all I can think about is the good times. I'm stuck feeling something that's no longer there." I answer.

"Yeah, I went through that with Shawn. I can tell you that it gets better though. It might suck but you know what you have to do. The both of y'all deserve to be happy. It's never gonna happen like this." Beyoncé responded.

She's right. The next time I see Solange, whenever that may be, we gotta finally have that conversation. It's long overdue.

Knowing that Beyoncé smokes, I offered her the blunt. We sat in silence for a moment. Just smoking and watching the adult animation. I felt relieved, the mixture of weed and Hennessy flowing through my body.

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