Chapter 1

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A/N: I wrote this entirely on a picture and tiktok of said character Dmitri (the one on the cover) done by penkorii who you can find on Tiktok and IG under that name. They made his character based on Konig from COD and Venom the symbiote. He is '6"7 with social anxiety. Anyone outside of Dmitri and a couple of COD members are mine.


You always thanked the lord for the connections your dad had but, the only catch was that you weren't to tell anyone that you were his daughter unless he says so first. You understood because of protocol and all the fancy shit that came with being in the military. All you know is that you were supposed to have done two tours and you didn't so whatever. However, you knew self-defense and how to use different guns as well as knives courtesy of both your mom and dad. You were a military nurse and were given your own squadron to take care of. You really needed to keep up on your military jargon but, then again it's not like anyone was going to converse with you beyond the med unit. 

"Toots get your head out of the skies." You jumped turning your head to your boss leaning against the doorframe and looking over whatever he was looking at on the phone. "Those files aren't getting done themselves." The only thing you didn't like was how brash everyone was, then again maybe you were a little soft since you weren't built for the military. You didn't like hurting people, you picked the opposite which is why you became a nurse, to begin with.

"Sorry, sir." You went to the desk looking at the stack of files wishing this was not part of the job description and too nervous to ask around you normally did as told. It's not like you can physically fight anyone here and win. Verbal and mental argument? Hell yeah, not so much a physical fight though. You're thinking too much about this. This is not what you're getting paid for and your dad did not pull these strings to get you here to slack off either. You sat behind the desk took off your shoes for comfort and started the monotonous task of filing. You had music playing in the background as you input the new files. Curiosity got the best of you and you saw it was in fact three people added to your group of soldiers you had to take care of. 

"Simon 'Ghost' Riley"  You got lost in thought reading over the guy's files, there was a lot about this Ghost guy and you read everything about him realizing he had retired and come back at one point. You knew you were going to forget all of this since your main concern was his medical records. After inputting all the information needed for him, you filed it away and got the other file reading Konig and wow he is tall, he's '6"6 that's your dad's height. You continued filing away and when you got to the last person you found yourself stalling just staring at his picture. You blinked taking in his features. He had ears like a goat? Maybe a cow, you're not sure but, they looked soft and his eyes were blue with a yellow ring and his pupils were stars. Literal stars. You have never been more intrigued by an individual in your life. He had a mask on that covered the lower part of his face with a note saying, oral examinations are private and not to be given in the facility. You were so damn curious but, you respected the fact that he didn't want it, especially when you saw that his height was '6"7. As you continued reading you couldn't help but grin 

'social anxiety on diazepam'

The idea of such a hulking man having social anxiety was endearing to you and made you just a little excited to meet him. You wondered what made him join the military? Was it to try and get out of his comfort zone? Was it just his sheer mass that helped him? These were questions you could maybe ask your dad but, then again you would be breaking patient confidentiality. You're just going to have to stay curious then. You filed him into the computer and, just as you finished your boss came knocking hard making your head swivel towards him. What does he want now?

"You're finished in here princess?" You resisted rolling your eyes because he had a knack for appearing as soon as you finished something. He got to be stalking you. 

"Yes, sir." He smirked at you gesturing with his head to follow him. You slipped your shoes back on and grabbed your keys to lock up your space. You hurried to lock the door behind you and jogged to catch up with his long strides. There must be something in the water here or the food because everyone and their fathers were so damn tall and muscle-bound 

"Those three men you're finna meet them. Part of the protocol." Protocol your ass. The man just didn't like for you to breathe for two minutes but, you stood quiet wanting to be good. Needing to be good really for your dad and money. You needed the money. You went to fidget with your hair but, he grabbed your wrist in a firm grip "You look fine toots, you're not here to get their rockers off." You felt like biting him but, this talk was so on-brand for him at the same time. He never let go of your wrist as he brought you to a waiting area with the others you were used to but, right at the front and center were the three men. Yeah, they were all huge. Fuck. All of their focus fell on your boss and then you as he swung you around to stand in front of him. If you were just a few inches taller and stronger you would shove your foot so far up his-

"Hey Y/N!" Your rabid thoughts were interrupted when you looked up at one of the friendlier guys and smiled at him. Ramos was always nice to you from day one and you looked forward to the friendly banter. 

"We got places to be, people to see, and things to do princess." You resisted an eye twitch schooling your features to smile politely at the three in front of you. They pay well Y/N. They fucking pay well. You can't be a stripper you're not flexible enough for that shit.

"My name is Y/N L/N and I am the head nurse of the west wing. The three of you are assigned to me along with everyone else in here. I will assume that all of you are a part of the same team?" The three men in front of you nodded and you fought your eyes to keep from staying on Dmitri. He was wearing the mask as stated and curiosity was knocking its big head at your frontal lobe.

"You looked at their files so you know their names and everything you need to know. Let's go toots." You couldn't hide the eye twitch if you wanted to, too tempted to swing full throttle at him but, knowing it would prove futile you waved at them and slowly turned following the man out. Why did you have to follow him like a lost puppy? Fucking fuck you hate this man. Once you were out of the room Ramos hit the table looking up at the ceiling. 

"I fucking hate that guy." The three newbies couldn't say much but, they listened to the others talk about the man in hushed voices. It was clear the disdain they had especially Y/N. Dmitri did not like the way he was manhandling her but, it's not like he can do anything about it. He didn't know her, even if he did find her cute. 


I can't believe I have an entire fanfiction planned because I liked the way he looked. Anyway, let me know what you guys think about this.

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