Chapter 4

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You in fact needed food, water, and a power nap. You were placed in the med bay where you rested for half an hour undisturbed. When you woke up it was Dmitri sitting next to you and when he noticed you were awake he grabbed a bottle of water and some blueberry granola bars. You grabbed them not quite understanding that it was him here since you were currently sweaty and in need of a shower. 

"You did well." Your head turned to him in surprise. This time he was looking off to the side rubbing a hand on his neck. "Should be proud of yourself." You giggled and started talking thanks to being nervous.

"Thank you! That means a lot actually because I was so embarrassed having actually to go through that after you and everyone else basically flew through it. I was a little peeved that our boss was going to make us go through all of this as if he wanted to make fun of us or that I think about it I think he just wanted to look at our asses." You rolled your eyes and thanks to his mask you missed the way his jaw clenched. 

"You don't like the boss very much." It was a quiet observation and he was silently surprised at how easy it was actually to talk to you. You huffed glancing at him

"No, I don't. The nicknames probably wouldn't be so bad if he didn't hound me all the time. I hate how he is everywhere I am and then makes me do all of these silly things. There are so many other people he can bother, yet he is always bothering me. He's insufferable." You genuinely don't like the guy and it was nice to vent about him to someone you know won't tell anyone. Dmitri was reliable and friendly despite being shy and quiet. 

"I'm assuming your dad knows." You nodded your head looking back up to meet his gaze before turning back to the granola bar.

"Not the extent, just that he stays on top of me like white on is what it is I guess." He hummed, a comfortable silence filling the space between the two of you. He really was nice.


It was a week after the training course when you started receiving your favorite coffee with a treat. At first, you were skeptical but, when both were wrapped up and a cute note written in pretty cursive came with it you figured nothing of it. It was a sweet note with your favorite coffee, clearly, it was someone from your crew. 

"Ooo, someone got you breakfast this morning." You looked up at your dad who was standing in the doorway with a grin. You rolled your eyes playfully at him ushering him to come inside and sit next to you. He did as instructed, closing the door behind him and sitting in one of the rolly chairs beside you. 

"Yeah, someone in my crew clearly." He started teasing you

"How do you know it wasn't your dear old dad huh?" You chuckled turning to face him 

"You would have left a pink sticky note with a heart and middle finger." He threw his head back and laughed as the two of you talked a bit before he had to go back to work the same as you.

"See you later dove." He ruffled your hair bending down to kiss your forehead and making his way to the door. He opened it startling at the sight of your boss who looked between the two of you before stepping aside to allow your dad to exit. You and your dad made brief eye contact before you focused on your boss who was standing there awkwardly. 

"Good morning boss, how can I help you?" It was always business with him so, imagine your surprise when he handed you a cupcake along with paperwork.

"The cafeteria was giving them out so I got you one." He nodded his head at the paperwork. "That's some more stuff for you to do." He glanced at your breakfast and turned on his heels leaving you there flabbergasted. Was that really your boss? No snide comments, no pet names, nothing? That was too suspicious. You weren't going to think too hard about it, today was a stay in the office and work day and a long one at that.


You found yourself out in the field again, this time in a green t-shirt and black stretchy pants with sneakers. You had a feeling the boss was going to pull some shit with you and the other nurses. This time all of you came prepared and wouldn't be surprised. You had your tent set up with everything as you sat outside watching everyone get ready to do the obstacle course. It was a little different from the last one incorporating a spider web-like structure, a swishy ladder as they have at carnivals and amusement parks, and rope balance. You were absolutely going to fall on the rope balance, good thing it was above water instead of mud.

"Princess come over here!" There he goes, asshole. It's not even the nicknames that bother you, it's the fact that they aren't coming out of Dmitri's mouth. He was still painfully shy but, he would talk a bit with you which was huge progress in your eyes. You also didn't want him to get the idea that there was something going on between you and the boss. You wish it was something between you and Dmitri.

"Yes sir." You glanced up at him turning back to your squad who was showing no emotions but, you could tell by their eyes and twitch of their face they were confused. 

"They're going to go first, I want you to watch them since there are new courses and you can have an idea of what to do." He guided you to the sidelines by your shoulders before turning back to the squad with his hand still on your shoulder "ON 3!" They went in formation waiting for a second "3, GO!" You watched as they all went helping each other and went through the courses. You were mostly watching Dmitri, the way his muscles flexed along his back, shoulders, and the veins on his hands and forearms. You would kill for him to pick you up and hold you or carry you. Maybe sit on his back while he does push-ups. 

"DID YOU SEE THAT Y/N!" You jumped paying attention to Lopez and Hudson who were waving at you from the top of the spider-web structure before climbing back down the other side. You could've sworn you saw Dmitri's ear twitch or you could be seeing stuff. You watched everyone else finish, watching intensely how they did the rope balance and the swishy ladder knowing you were going to fall in the water on top of the rope burn. What joy. 

"You're ready princess." You glared up at your boss who smirked down at you pushing you to the front while your squad went on the sidelines to watch you. Now you were nervous with everyone watching you. Great. You gathered the courage to look towards Dmitri making eye contact with him. Fuck now you really were going to mess up with how nervous you were. "Any day now sweetheart." You really glared at him feeling your eye and nose twitch making your way to the front about to start when you heard your dad's voice. 

"You don't mind if I join you, right my love?" You all turned to see your dad already in the right attire walking towards you. You turned back to your boss to see his jaw clenched, veins bulging on his temple as he glared at your dad. "Your sneakers aren't tied, put them here." He patted his thigh as you put your right foot first using his shoulders as balance and then put your other foot so he could tie your laces. "There you go, ready? I'll be right behind you." You nodded feeling better with your dad here. You knew he wouldn't let you fall. No one said anything as the two of you went through the course. It was more fun than anything and he would push you up and grab you when you slipped. 

"Oh no!" Your foot went through the holes in the spider web climb falling back but, you landed right on top of your dad who pushed you back up and untangled your foot. The two of you continued with him helping you. When you got to the swishy ladder he held it so you could cross and then he did it both of you giggling. The final part was the rope balance and he held your hands for that pulling you back or pushing you forward to keep you balanced as the two of you shuffled down the rope. 

"There you go sweetie, you got it, atta girl." You were smiling ear to ear as the two of you made it to the end and you couldn't help but, hug him and he wrapped an arm around you ruffling your hair. The two of you walked back to the squad, with them talking to you missing how your dad glared at your boss looking him up and down. "The next time you pull some shit like this make sure she's wearing the proper attire." 


I like the way this ended! Let me know what you guys think about this story so far.

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