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They deserve this. He's just not ready to see the two blondes look at him like a kicked puppy.


"It's fine, Kenny," Kyle says because it is. They need to do this.

"Dude, no, I," Kenny grunts and runs his hands over his face a couple of times. "That's your birthday, and then we'll be gone the whole summer," He says.

Kyle finally opens his eyes and sees Kenny's face. He looks like he's begging Kyle for something, and Kyle wants to give him whatever it is, but he can't.

"Correct," is all Kyle says. His smile is losing genuineness as the truth of Kenny's words sinks in.

Butters tenses at the admission, frowning at Kyle.

"We don't have to-" Kenny starts to ramble, but Kyle cuts him off by standing up.

"Stop talking, Kenny, please. You're doing this, you and Butters both, because you deserve this. You need to get the fuck out of here and if you can do that with your band, then you'd be stupid not to," He snaps lowly, desperately trying to stay calm and not get irrationally angry like he wants to. Frankly, he wants to throw himself on the ground and cry about how unfair his life is, but he's too grown up for that.

"We can't just leave you behind, Kyle," Butters whimpers softly like he's afraid to speak up.

"You can and you will, Butters," He deadpans.

"You can't tell him what to do, man. You can't tell either of us what to do," Kenny shouts, standing up to match Kyle's stance and height. They glower at each other, perfectly eye-level.

"Are you going to turn around and tell your band you're ditching them, then? That's the only other option and I'll fucking kill you if the thought even crosses your mind, you self-righteous asshole!" Kyle shouts, giving in and seething. His fingers twitch and he feels like his tongue might fall off, but he's not being selfish.

"Who the fuck are you calling self-righteous? You're the one who won't let me make my own fucking choice," Kenny counters, leaning closer so that's he basically yelling in Kyle's face.

"I'm not self-righteous for wanting you to make a choice that benefits you! You never do anything for yourself! All you do is give and give and give and I'm tired of watching you fucking kill yourself!" Kyle finally screams, angry tears welling and pouring down his cheeks. He's in Kenny's face now, too.

"The amount of shit I've seen you do for others is fucking disgusting! Even if you don't like someone, you'll give them the shirt off your fucking back without a second thought! Go ahead, stand there and try to make me feel like a shitty friend for hating watching you give everything you have to everyone but yourself. You're not a fucking martyr," Kyle chokes out, voice starting to die down as the sobs get too heavy. He feels like he's staring at a little boy again, bruised and battered from standing up for Butters, shaking with a fever after giving his sister his winter coat, starving because he fed the last of his saltine crackers to the rats in his room.

Kenny just seethes, lips twitching like he wants to speak but can't figure out what to say. His brows knit together and his eyes fill with tears of their own.

"Please, dude," Kyle croaks after a minute, wiping his eyes pitifully. "This is your chance to get out. I need you to take it, whether I stay here or not, and I need you to not spend the last week I have with you and Butters here being an asshole," He meets Kenny's gaze and knows he's won when the first tear falls from those blue eyes.

Kenny's scowl twists into a pathetic, trembling glare as he tries not to cry. Kyle smiles sadly because the scar under his left eyebrow that he got in a fight with his brother creases really weirdly when he cries.

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