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"Oh my god! I totally forgot to ask you this earlier but are you okay? I heard about yesterday."

Felix raised an eyebrow, "those guys are just dumb, I don't really care."

His classmates kept chatting about the event and a girl with braids in her hair sat in the desk near Felix, "is it true you're dating Changbin? Like the Seo Changbin?"

The rest of the girls in the class squealed at the news and waited for the blondes response, "excuse me?"

The girl in braids scoffed, "I can't believe you didn't share this with us! Those guys that tried bullying you literally told the whole school that Changbin called you his boyfriend."

Felix blushed, "he just said that to protect me."

Ian interrupted and he cleared his throat, "so it's not true? He's been saying that for a while. Maybe you should get him to stop."

Some girls bickered back and forth, "that's so romantic! Wait when did you get that new lip gloss? They barely came back in stock yesterday!"

Felix held the lipgloss in his hands and he smiled, "Changbin actually got it for me."

His classmates quickly teased him and Felix brushed them all off, "wait so Felix is it true you're dating Changbin?"

Felix dropped his tray on the lunch table and he furrowed his eyebrows, "why is everyone suddenly hearing about it?"

"So it isn't true?" And Jisung munched on his apple.

Felix shook his head, "of course it isn't!"

He gathered his belongings and stood up, "I'm going to get get a drink." and he walked out of the cafeteria.

Felix grabbed the drink from the bottom of the vending machine and he flinched once he felt someone slap him on his bottom, "dude I am so sorry I thought you were my boyfriend."

The taller guy stood there in shock and Felix returned the shocked face, "uh uh it's fine!" and Felix's face heated up.

Before the taller could do anything else the shorter had ran off and left his drink behind, "what is going on with today!"

Felix grunted as soon as he made impact with someone, "fuck off man watch where you're going."

The freckled faced male quickly looked at the other, "I'm so sorry! I don't know what's going on with me today."

Changbin raised his eyebrows, "oh it's you? Don't worry about it Felix."

Felix's face flushed again and he whined, "why me."

The shorter snorted, "what's wrong? Are you having a bad day? Is anyone messing with you?"

The blonde shrugged his shoulders, "well I was just stressed out because those guys from yesterday had told everyone that we were boyfriends and some guy just."

Changbin nodded, "some guy?"

Felix blushed and he whispered what happened to the other, "he thought I was his boyfriend."

The ravenette snorted, "well obviously it didn't get around to the whole school then."

Felix widened his eyes, "about that! I'm so sorry. I know it's all my fault that it's spreading."

Changbin furrowed his eyebrows, "your fault? It's more my fault because I'm the one that said we were dating."

The younger sighed, "I'm so sorry I know it must be embarrassing to be called my boyfriend." and he looked down at his shoes.

The elder chuckled, "embarrassing? Why would I be embarrassed? You aren't ugly."

Felix lifted his head and a light blush crossed his face, "I- I mean still I'm probably the only openly gay guy at this school and you- you don't seem like the type to want to be in that type of rumor with me."

Changbin tilted his head, "what type do you think I am?"

The blonde's gaze quickly fell back onto the floor and he blushed again, "l-like wouldn't you want to be known for dating a pretty girl or someone that um i um."

Changbin chuckled again, "I don't mind people thinking I'm dating a pretty boy instead."

Felix whined, "I know and I'm so sorry about that- wait what?" and his eyes widened.

The elder smiled, "I think you're cute Felix. Why else would I defend you so much?"

The younger blinked once more and he looked at the other in surprise, "I-I thought you were just being nice because I was Chan's brother."

Changbin lightly nodded, "hmm at first it was like that I suppose."

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