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Felix looked at the older in shock and Changbin slightly smirked, "don't tell Chan I said that though." and he ruffled the blondes hair and walked off to class.

The younger stood in silence and he snapped his neck to look back at the older, "he didn't say that." and he tried convincing himself he was hearing things.

Felix made it to his next few classes and he couldn't keep his thoughts clean, "earth to Felix! Can you stop ignoring us and involve yourself in our conversation?"

Jisung stared at his best friend in annoyance but his furrowed eyebrows made it clear that he was concerned, "sorry what was going on?"

"Lix what's got you so worked up today? You kept getting distracted in class too."

The blonde bit his lip and leaned closer to his friend, "Jisung. I'm going to ask you a serious question and I don't want you to make a joke about it right now."

The brunette slowly nodded and he smirked, "what is it Lee?"

"Are we in a dream right now?"

Jisung snorted, "Felix, no offense babes but I'd rather be in somebody else's dreams. We are very much in school right now."

"Pinch me right now."

The elder of the two scoffed but he lightly pinched the blonde, "is that better? Can you please tell me why you're being weird right now?"

Felix rolled his eyes, "I'm not being weird. Stop being so rude, this is why I do dream of other people. But anyways! Changbin said something weird to me today and I didn't know if I was dreaming or not."

Jisung nodded as if he was okay with that response, "okay and what did he say?"

The blondes face flushed pink and he shook his head, "since you aren't Changbin or I, I don't think you need to know what he said." and he packed his belongings and was heading over to his brother.

Chan was gathering his bags and was talking to some of his teammates, "let's practice some time later this week."

"Hey Channie hyung." and Felix smiled at his older brother.

The elder quickly smiled back and he motioned over to his teammates, "this is my little brother Felix."

Felix smiled at the older boys in return and Changbin rolled his eyes as he felt the piercing stares at Felix, "hey Felix."

The teammates all smiled as they got the chance to finally meet Chan's younger brother. Everyone on campus have heard the rumors about Chan's pretty younger brother but not a lot of people have actually seen the blonde because of how overprotective Chan was.

Chan had heard something about his brother but he never knew what it was about so he tried protecting his brother as much as he could, "oh hello everyone." and Felix lightly smiled at the boys.

Before any of the guys could bombard Felix with questions, Chan had ended practice early so he and Felix could make their way back home.

Changbin followed behind his teammates and he curled his lip in anger as he heard the commentary coming from the showers, "woah. I knew the rumors said he was pretty but he's literally the definition of ethereal."

Some of the other guys had said things a lot less pure which made Changbin twitch his eye in annoyance, "his lips looking juicy too." and the laughter in the locker room echoed.

"What do you think about Chan's younger brother? Is it weird to picture Felix that way because you've known him for so long?"

Changbin looked at his teammate in surprise, "I- I never thought of him like that. He's always been a little brother to me." and he cringed at what he said.

The other boys groaned in jealousy, "what was Felix like as a kid? Was he as cute as he is now?"

The ravenette thought for a moment and tilted his head, "who knows? You guys weren't even there to see it so why should I help you guys picture it?" and he grabbed a spare towel to dry his hair as he walked over to his car.

Changbin sat in the car and he furrowed his eyebrows at the feeling in his stomach. He knew there was always something with Felix but he always felt ashamed to act on his affection.

He knew he was getting more and more possessive over the younger as he was growing up but he always thought it was because Felix was Chan's little brother but the more they grew up the less he thought about Felix as a friend.

Changbin thought back to the kiss they shared when he stopped some bullies from harassing Felix and ever since that day he had felt something in him change. He decided to distance himself from the younger but the day he found out Felix was in his class it became harder to avoid him.

"Oi do you want to come over for a bit and have dinner? My mom made extra because she thought you were coming with me and Felix after school."

Changbin stared at his best friends text and he sent back a message as he headed over to the Bang/ Lee's residence.

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