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Two Hours Earlier

Florian lay fast asleep on his straw bed when a loud knock broke his slumber. He groggily got off his bed and onto his feet. He rubbed at his light brown eyes, desperately attempting to wipe away his sleepiness. His room was bare. The four cobblestone walls were largely empty save for the one large window where the light shone through. The only decor within the room was one large chest, where he kept his garments, and a small desk next to his bed. Despite the bleakness of the room, Florian would not exchange it for anything else. More knocking could be heard from his door. The wooden floors creaked as he walked toward the door. Dressed in only his white undertunic and brown breeches he swung open his door revealing the figure on the other side. Alaric stood a good few inches taller than Florian. Alaric stood frowning at the door refusing to go inside. Florian could sense something was amiss but disregarded it. In many ways, Alaric had been the complete opposite of Florian. Alaric had short, well-kept black hair in contrast to Florian's unruly and curly brown hair. The differences did not end there however as Alaric's piercing blue eyes contrasted with Florian's soft brown eyes. Alaric had also been very skinny while Florian had been decently muscular. Alaric had worn a white linen shirt with black trousers and leather shoes.

"What have I done now?' Asked Florian

For as long as he knew Alaric, he had always been a very stern person. This was the trait Florian hated the most.

Alaric shook his head as his serious expression turned soft.


Alaric finally spoke up. "It seems our water reserves have run out already. I have already told Ashe but I was hoping you both would go and get some water from the spring."

Florian gave Alaric a questioning look.

Alaric saw his confusion and continued to explain. "I spoke to some of the villagers this morning, they have informed me of some sort of leak occurring at the water tower. So I told them that I would send You and Ashe to gather some water for them."

Florian hated the way Alaric would speak of the townsfolk. It felt as if Alaric did not belong with the rest of them.

"Very well, I will quickly gather my things and head out," Florian said.

Alaric nodded at him. "Do make haste however, the townsfolk are getting rather impatient."

Florian rolled his eyes. The townsfolk are usually very carefree. Alaric is probably exaggerating once again.

He turned his back towards Alaric and walked towards his large chest. He heard the door close behind him. He then got dressed. He now wore a brown leather tunic, brown trousers and ended with a pair of brown boots. He reached for the sheathed dagger that lay on the small desk. He quickly slipped the dagger under his belt and exited his room. His room had been on the end of a long hallway. Three other equally spaced wooden doors made up the left side of the hallway. On the right side towards the middle of the hallway were downward facing wooden stairs. He made his way down the stairs. The bottom floor was large. The floor and walls were made of cobblestone. There were rows and rows of wooden chairs leading up to an altar situated on the north side of the room. The townsfolk led by Priest Able held a ceremony in this room on the dawn of every third day. Florian attended these ceremonies but never understood their importance. At the southern end of the room in front of two large wooden doors stood Alaric and Ashe. With the exception of Priest Able, they were the only family he knew. The strict, older Alaric and the carefree, younger Ashe. He often wondered what it would be like to have an actual family but always concluded that he prefers his patchwork family. Alaric eyed him as he descended the staircase. Ashe was the shortest of the group. She had shoulder-length blond hair and brown eyes. She was dressed similarly to Florian however she had a large wooden barrel strapped to her back.

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