Brighter than Stars

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Ship: KokuDou
AU: Modern
Genre: Fluff
Character roles: Students
Kokushibo: 18yrs old
Douma: 18yrs old
Images are all from Pinterest

Douma's POV:

"Uurrrghh!" Douma groaned loudly, flopping himself backwards onto his chair."It's finally the holidays! But the damn teacher just had to give us a mountain of HOMEWORK!!! Uurrrghh, THAT STUPID BIT-"

"Woah woah there, Douma. Who shoved a stick up your ass? You started the day so happy and cheerful and now you've turned sour." My best friend, Kokushibo walked over to me with his bag slumped over his shoulder.

He tried his best not to laugh as I quickly stood up, hitting my knee on one of the table's legs in the process. I whimpered a little from the pain, that's gonna leave a bruise for sure(T^T)."You alright there Douma?"

I thought he was genuinely worried so I replied,"Yeah I'm goo-"

"Alright, then let's go." Kokushibo cut me off.

Bruh- Does this guy even care! I literally just- "Ah!" I got a little shocked when Kokushibo, with my bag over his shoulder, suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the classroom. "Dude what's your problem?! I can walk you know! And give me back my bag!" I shouted at him, still extremely grumpy.

"Calm down, Douma. I've got something I want to show you, so text your parents and tell them you're having a sleepover at my place so they don't nag at you for not being at home." Kokushibo replied, still dragging me along the corridor.

I was confused but I could feel the eyes of students around us staring at me as I went red from embarrassment. I tugged my hand out of Kokushibo's grasp and snatched my bag from him, slipping on the shoulder straps. Kokushibo chuckled softly at me and I gave him a glare that was supposed to signal him to shut the fuck up but he just laughed harder.

<20 minutes later>

We arrived at the door of Kokushibo's house pretty quickly since it wasn't really that far from school. As he fumbled for his house keys, I stared at the large building in awe, cus damn, this place was large enough to be considered a mansion! "Are you just going to stand there and stare? Take off your shoes, come in, and wipe your feet on the carpet before you enter, my father is really strict about keeping the house clean." Kokushibo called out to me from inside the house, snapping me back to reality.

"DAYUM, Kokushibo! You never told me your house was this big!" I exclaimed loudly.

All he did was turn to stare at me and said,"Eh, I guess it's kinda big-"

"KINDA BIG?! Dude this place is ENORMOUS!!!"

"Okay, okay, no need to yell." He said, then looked at me and laughed.

Alright, not gonna lie that laugh was hot AF. I could feel my face burning up and I'm not even sure why. Like, come on. There is no way I liked my best friend romantically, right? Nah, it was probably just really hot in here."Douma!" Kokushibo shouted into my ear.

"OW! What? Don't shout into my ear like that, gosh!" I replied, covering my ears.

"Well it's not my fault you were daydreaming and couldn't hear me continuously calling your name. Anyways, the thing I wanted to show you only comes at night so in the meantime make yourself comfortable while I go cook something for us to eat." He said, starting to walk towards the kitchen.

I was dumbfounded. So he's only telling me this NOW!? WHEN WE REACHED HIS HOUSE 3HRS BEFORE NIGHTTIME!?I COULD'VE HAD TIME TO GO HOME TO SHOWER, CHANGE AND EVEN PACK SOME STUFF BEFORE I CAME TO HAVE A SLEEPOVER HERE!!! TO THINK I HAD SO MUCH HOMEWORK TO FINISH TOO!!! I turned to scream at Kokushibo for not telling me this earlier but he was already in the kitchen cooking something and it would be a really bad idea to disturb someone when they were cooking. So I all I could do was sit on the couch and wait for him to be done before I could scold him. As I sat there and waited, I got so bored that I just dozed off on the couch.

"DOUMA! DINNER IS READY! WAKE UUUUPPPPP!!!" I got startled by Kokushibo shouting and fell off the couch, half asleep.

I sleepily made my way to the kitchen, grabbed a chair and sat down as Kokushibo served the food. I ate a spoonful and my eyes widened. Woah, this is really good! I completely forgot to scold Kokushibo as I shovelled more food into my mouth, oblivious of the fact that Kokushibo was watching me eat like I've been starving for weeks. I only realized he was watching when I heard him chuckle at my behavior and lack of table manners. I could feel my face heat up from embarrassment again as I mumbled an apology, then continued eating as if nothing had happened.

After dinner, Kokushibo washed the dishes quickly and put them on the drying rack. Then he came over to me, grabbed my hand, and dragged me towards the stairs. I got pissed and pulled my hand out of his grasp. "Again, I can walk. You don't have to keep dragging me everywhere, you know." I reminded him.

He said nothing and motioned for me to follow him up the stairs. I was confused and pretty curious about what he wants to show me as I followed him all the way up to the roof of his house. There, my jaw dropped. HE HAD A MF TELESCOPE!? LIKE SERIOUSLY, HOW RICH IS THIS GUY!? AND HOW COME HE NEVER TOLD ME, I THOUGHT WE WERE BEST FRIENDS! "Come on, Douma. Sit here, I'm going to show you the surprise."

I walked to where he was and sat beside him. Then he pointed upwards. TF-
What in the world could there possibly be in the sky that would be so-
And that's when I saw it. Stars. Millions of them, scattered across the sky like someone had sprinkled salt onto a pure black table, each star shining brighter than the last. I stared in awe. It was..............beautiful. "Wanna use the telescope to see them better?"

I turned to my left to see Kokushibo placing the telescope next to me. I nodded furiously, getting up. I looked into the telescope and wowed. The stars were even more pretty up close.......amazing. I smiled, forgetting all about the stress of school and the pile of homework. Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around me from behind, pulling me into an embrace. I blushed. It was KOKUSHIBO!!! "K-KOKUSHIBO?! What are you doing?"

"Hugging you of course. Oh, and stargazing wasn't the best part of the surprise, it's about to start soon." Kokushibo said in a calm voice.

I was about to ask him what he meant when something zipped across the sky. And another. And another. Till the whole sky was covered with shooting stars. "Well, how do you like the surprise?" Kokushibo whispered in my ear.

"It's amazing...........thank you..."

He chuckled. "You know, I've always liked stargazing, and it's been my dream to become an astronomer. But even after years of looking at the stars and studying them, I've never found one as beautiful as you. In my eyes, Douma, you shine brighter than any star in the galaxy. So all I have to say is.........will you be mine?

"YES!" I exclaimed before I could think twice. "Also, that pick-up line was really cheesey, Koku."

Kokushibo laughed. "This is exactly what I love about you. And thanks for the nickname, Honeybee." He said.

We burst into laughter at how cringe the pet names were and sat back down, I was seated on Kokushibo's lap and he still had his arms wrapped around me. I started to relax, resting my head on his chest and slowly drifting off as the both of us continued to watch the shooting stars zip across the peaceful night sky.


Kokushibo's POV:

As Douma and I watched the shooting stars, I secretly made a wish. That Douma would stay by my side and never leave me. And I'll protect him with my life. I let out a small sigh. Looking at Douma, I realized that he had fallen asleep. I smiled and gave him a peck on the forehead. Then, I swooped him up, carried him to my room and placed him on my bed. Laying down beside him, I big spooned him as I fell asleep too.


Hope this story was alright, it took awhile and idk if it's even good or not.😞
Anyways have a nice day/night!

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