Ch 1 ~•~ Run And Hide, It's No Use, This Is My World

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You run as fast as you can, but your thigh is bleeding like crazy, as is your arm, and tree roots are determined to trip you. You try to ignore the burning pain taking over your body. You were taking a walk (in the woods), and you were attacked by a vampire. It's snowing and as you run, you leave a trail of blood.

When you get into an open, snow covered field, you drop to your knees and draw the protection symbol in your blood. A simple circle with a kind of astrics (* is an astrics) in the middle. As soon as you're in it, nothing else can come in. Nothing.

You crawl into the circle and lay there. It's only a matter of seconds before your attacker comes into your view and out of the thick forest.

"(F/N), you know you can't run forever," he says. How does he know my name? is all you can think.

"You're in my world now, and in my world, there's nowhere you can hide, because I'll find you," he says seriously. You don't even know him! Then a mischievous grin spreads across his face.

"So why don't you give up now? Admit defeat. This is my game, you can't win," he states. A hot tear slips down your face.

"And that little magic hoodoo circle you got there, it won't last forever," his grin gets wider. You squeeze your eyes shut tight.
"Why are you doing this?" You ask. Your voice cracks.

"Because in my world, there are no laws, in my game, I can do whatever I want. That includes killing you... if I want," he replies. Your breathing gets unsteady. He's right. He could kill you, if you weren't protected by the protection symbol. And it will wear off in maybe a week. In a week, you'll be already dead of dehydration and starvation. You should just give up, but what good would that do? None whatsoever, so you continue to lay in the circle, wondering if you'll die of hypothermia within the hour.
"(F/N), why don't you just give up?" Your attacker asks. You ignore him.

"I won't hurt you if you give up now, (F/N)," he adds. You lay still.

"Don't tell me you died in your stupid fucking protection symbol," he growls. It scares you, so you jump a little.

"Good. Now, come here. Just come here, and I promise I won't hurt you. Come on, let's pinkie swear on it," he grins evilly.

"No," you reply. "That'll bring me out of the circle before you even swear."

"You're smarter than I thought," his grin fades, hiding his malicious fangs. Before you realize it, you're hoping for the end. Not from the vampire in front of you, but by hypothermia, starvation, or dehydration. It would be wonderful for you. Then you remember, you have a pocket knife.

"Are you thinking about suicide? By the way, this is a nice knife," he pulls your pocketknife off of the ground. No. No, no, no. Why did this have to happen to you?

(I don't want to narrate your death!)

"Your blood smells delicious, it's making me hungry," he looks at your blood sinking into the snow.

"That's gross," you mumble.

"Not to me," he says. Oh, he heard you.

"In fact, I think you're blood would be the most delicious thing I've ever tasted, based on its smell," he says matter-of-factly.
"If I had my way about it, I'd have sucked you dry already," he grins.

"Please, leave me alone," you whimper.

"Leave you alone? But this, oh (F/N), this is only the beginning. I've barely even started, and you already want me to leave you alone? This will be very fun," the vampire says. Suddenly, black spots appear in front of you, and you black out.

~When You Wake Up :)~
You open your eyes, expecting the vicious vampire, but nobody is around. You look everywhere in the barren snow valley. Nothing. You look into the forest, but you see nothing, and figure that he got tired of waiting, and left.

You crawl from your circle and stand. Your thigh burns, but you ignore it. You escaped a vampire attack. You take off running, in the direction that will take you to your truck.

(You're seventeen.)
Suddenly, someone drops from a tree in front of you. They're dead.

"Hey! Are you trying to win, at my game?! I have news Honey! You can run, but you can't hide!" Someone yells from the tree. It's that velvety voice that signifies death. It's the vampire. The vampire drops from the tree and lands in front of you.

"Are you gonna run? Or are you giving up? I'll give you a twenty second headstart, if you wanna run," he raises his eyebrows.

"Do I have a chance to live if I run?" You ask.

"You might live either way. But if you manage to run away, then you'll have a pretty good chance to live," he replies. You nod.

"I think I'll run," you reply.

"Okay, on three, run. One... two... three!" He says. You take off running and you hear him counting to twenty.
Okay, what'd y'all think? I think the vampire that's chasing you is pretty considerate, you know, since he gave you a headstart. Well, bye now.
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