Ch 2 ~•~ Capture The Queen, Make Her A Slave

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"Your twenty seconds are up, (F/N)! I'm coming to get you!" He yells. No, no, no. Only now do you realize just how stupid you are. He's a vampire, he has super power stuff! And only now do you realize:

You. Are. So. Screwed.

"(F/N), I see you!" He yells. And like the spazzy nerd you are, you have to prove everything. So to prove he wasn't behind you, you turned around? And there goes about five seconds. You turn around, only to be greeted by an evil grin.

"Found you," he says in such a dark way it makes you shudder. He grabs you and starts running. He runs so fast you have to squeeze your eyes shut to not be sick. He stops running and throws you into something. Your shoulder hits a wall, made of either brick or plain stone. Either way, it hurts like hell. You let out a bloodcurdling scream.

"Oh, fun. Get up," he says the last part menacingly. It makes you shudder as you scramble to your feet.

"Please... don't hurt... me," you manage in between gasps. The impact with the wall knocked the wind out of you.

"Hurt you?! Of course!" He grabs your (H/L), (H/C) hair and pulls you up.

"Please," you beg, on the brink of crying.

"What? I can't hear you over the sound of pain," he laughs. He bangs your head against the wall and you feel a liquid substance running down the side of your face. Blood. The grin on his face is wiped away.

"Your blood smells so... good," he breathes. You clutch the side of your head as he rushes over to you. He puts your neck to the side and bites. It hurts when his teeth penetrate your skin, but it's only for a split second, because he pulls his teeth out immediately. He laps up your blood and pulls back.

"Fuck. Stay here," he mutters walking away. Then you realize you're in a cell as he slams the cell door. Crud.

"Wait! Let me out! Please!" You yell running to the bars and clutching them. Nobody comes.

"Let me out! Please," you whimper. The door creaks open.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Let me out, now," you order, suddenly feeling mad.

"No. What are you, a queen?" The intimidating vampire comes to the bars where you are.

"I'll let you out when I feel like you've earned it," he says.

"Let me out,"you plea. He laughs.

"Fine, but you have to be my sex slave," he winks. You back up and shake your head.

"No way, José," you say.

"My name is actually Seth," he says.

"Seth?" You ask.

"Yeah," he replies.

"Wow, I expected something like Nathaniel, or Edward," you say. He laughs, as if something you said was funny.

"Nathaniel?" He manages in between laughter. You're thoroughly surprised because you never thought you'd hear Seth laugh a real, genuine laugh.

"Yes. What's wrong with Nathaniel?" You ask, a little offended. Nathaniel is a great name.

"Do I look like a Nathaniel to you?" Seth asks incredulously.

"I dunno! How am I supposed to know what your name is by looking at you?!" You almost yell.

"You're not. I'll be back in like five seconds, so don't yell again," he orders and with that he's gone. You count out loud.

"One... two... three... four... FIVE!" You yell the last number. Then he's back.

"Didn't I tell you NOT to yell?" He asks through gritted teeth. You nod, then your eyes flash to the little white box in his hands.

"What's that?" You ask.

"A first aid kit," he replies. He unlocks the cell and sits you down in a chair.

"Don't even think about running," he growls when you glance at the cell door. You nod.

"You're lucky I'm even doing this. Take off your pants," he orders. You stare at him.

"What?" You ask.

"Take off your pants before I slit your throat," he's for real.

"Is that a threat?" You ask.

"No, it's a promise," he replies. You slip off your pants and sit back in the chair. He starts to dab your leg with a cloth that has chemicals on it, but you slap his hand away.

"Fuck!" You breathe.

"What? It doesn't hurt that bad, you little pussy," he mutters.

"You're the pussy," you shoot back.

"Well, I am what I eat," he dabs at your thigh again. This time you kick him with your good leg.

"Bitch," he gets up and comes back with some zip ties.

"Hold still, or I swear you'll be dead in 3.5 seconds," he mutters. He zip ties you to the chair. One leg to each leg of the chair and your hands behind your back.

"Well, this isn't kinky at all," you mutter sarcastically.

"Of course not," he mutters back. You can't ignore the smirk on his face while he's filling your wound with chemicals that will make it "better".

"What?" You finally ask through gritted teeth.

"Two things," he grins.

"What... two things?" You breathe.

"You make a horrible o-face," he starts. You glare at him.

"And I like your Hello Kitty underwear," he finishes.

"You pervert," you blush. Your underwear had punk rock Hello Kitty on the front of them.

For the first time since meeting him, you actually take in his appearance. He's about six foot, if not taller, based on how long his legs and torso are. He has dark, brown hair, that he flips often, since it's cut scene, or "emo", style. It's pretty long, to his collar. His eyes are a striking green color, with speckles of red in them. After thoroughly checking him out, you realize, he's hot.

"Am I that attractive?" He asks. Another blush heats up your face. As you're about to deny it, your pants start vibrating.
"What's that?" He asks walking over to your pants.

OK, so I think y'all can guess what that is, but I decided to start the next CH after that incident. Ok, so luv U all, plz enjoy, comment, vote, etc.
Don't get captured by a vampire!

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