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(Drake\\ hate sleeping alone}

"Sorry but if you don't mind me asking what was that all about? why was that guy all up on you like that?"

she seemed to be very bother about it. it kind of made me feel uneasy. I mean I understand how that creep felt who wouldn't want to break a piece off that. She had a nice body she was stunningly beautiful. She had this sort of spark this charisma in her eye that made you want to know more about her. but what he did to her still wasn't right.

"'I really don't want to talk about it ......?" She said looking for my name


" Nate. I like that name its like a "don't fuck with me , but im a really cool dude " kinda name" she said in a manly voice

" haha yea i guess it kinda is"


We continued to walk down the sidewalks of L.A. when i realized we were coming up on a convent store that ive been very fond of lately. the guy gives me awesome discounts on EVERYTHING. And in return he comes to me whenever his supplier can get him the good stuff at that moment. i thought i might buy her something to maybe start up another conversation because since our whole the meaning of my name chat its been absolute silents. But its been pretty entertaining for me for the fact that i get to stare at her, plump Latin booty while shes walking in front of me.

" Hey you want anything from here I'll buy?"

" Umm nah I'm good I'll just keep walking my place isn't that far from here anyway"

"Come on it's been a long night I'm sure your just as parched as I am"

She suddenly start to giggle 😂

"What? "

"Parched?..... Ok sure I am parched

She grabbed my hand as she lead the way.to the last shelf in the store.


"Omg I love these I haven't had them in forever"

"What are those?" Nate seemed to not be as excited as I was,would figure

"It's a Mexican candy it's called Mazapán I miss these I can't find them anywhere anymore. I used to eat them all the time when I was little."

"Get them then"

"No like you said were here cause we're parched not hungry"

"Yea your right"

I walked to the freezer to grab a minute maid lemonade, I wasn't really feeling alcohol I noticed Nate wasn't either when grabbed a big bottle of water. We gave each other a quick glance as we closed the freezer doors and walked to cashier.


Our walk went on and on and what way only 15 , felt like hours of us just talk about the most random shit. Pets , favorite foods, favorite colors, what we wanted to be when we were little, our story how we ended up in L.A. But sadly our times was cut short when we reach her place which strangely for some reason she seemed glad about because she didn't have to answer my question " how'd you ended up in L.A.?"

"Well this is me."

I look up to see this giant pint house building

"Wow, this is your place "

"Well yea , I know how to play my cards right." She jokes

"Yea you sure as hell do...Well I better get going you if I want to get home before the sin comes up."

"No! , its late.. how about you just come up and you can just stay the night , consider it a gift from a friend to a friend."

" so we're friends now?" I questioned

" well if we're not friends than what are we?"

I shrugged and said " you gotta point there." As we walked in to the elevator


"So here's your pillows ,your blanks are you gonna need anything else?"
Adelaine asked while getting me. situated on the coach

"No thanks I'm good"

"Ok well if you do need anything my room is right over there and the bathrooms right down the hall ,ok?"


Adelaine then goes in to her room closing the door when just minutes after walks out when I just got done getting comfortable in my snugg little blanket. She walks out with not the same clothes on she had a minute ago but a black short mid thigh silk dress with lace trimming at the top.

"That's something for friends" I joke sarcastically

" hey I wear this every night ,so don't feel special"

"Ouch that hurt , that one cut deep" I joke once more

" shut up!" She says back showing her stunning smile

She walks back into her room without closing the door, finally with all the lights off laying on probably the most comfortable couch ever. looking out Adelaines stunning view out her giant pint house window "the city of angels" I whisper before I close my eyes

When I'm suddenly scared to shit and awoke of someone yelling


"Yea?!" I yell back

"Would you mind coming in here for a second ..please? "

I hesitate to get up , but eventually do almost tripping over the carpet.

"Is something wrong?" I yon while rubbing my eyes

" no ... Not really... Well do you minded ...um ..laying with me?"

"......laying with you?"

"Yea ..not like do anything just lay with "me in the same bed .. Because of what happened I just really dong feel like sleeping alone."

"Yea I get it , don't worry I gotcha"

I pull the blankets up slowly slipping in as I start to lay down I mouth "omg" we're dose this girl get her furniture everything feels like heaven.

"goodnight Adelaine " i whisper while looking at the outline of her shadow in another giant window with a great view."

"Good night" her soft voice whispers back


I woke up in the middle of the night from the cold air that was being blown in to the room when the AC turned on I continue to stair at the shape of her body I start to play with her hair a little. When she suddenly starts to move ,in my direction to be more pacific. She scoots all the way towards me till her back was touching my chest. I just lay there not knowing what to do waiting to see what she's going to do next. She then reaches back grabbing my hand and pulls my arm around to wrap around her body and hold her. With that same hand she intertwines our hands together. I hold her hand back to let her know I'm awake.

I start to think and realize what am I doing here in this girls house, in her bed holding her and I barley know anything about her. All these thoughts went throughs went my head as I drift back to sleep

I felt safe in his arms

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