True feelings

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"You kissed me to show your girlfriend?"

Hoseok swallows nervously and utters, "N-no, I kissed you to stop her... If you allow me to explain, I'll te--

"Yeahh, why not? Lemme hear your lame explanation first," you said frustratedly, causing Hoseok to flinch at your angry tone. He attempts to hold your hand, but you pull it away, raising your eyebrows, signaling for him to start talking.

"While during the interview, I saw her. So, to show her a red signal, I pulled you closer... I didn't know you saw her too, and I was about to follow you when you went out but she approached me and whispered to meet her upstairs."

Hoseok's eyes get glossy with every sentence, but he continues.

"She started to act crazy in the room and blackmailed me. She said that if I didn't promise her that once we are done, I'll go back to her... She'll tell all the guests about our fake marriage."

Hearing fake marriage from him makes you feel sick, but shrugging the sickness, you ask him another question.

"And how does she know we're in this pretend marriage? Did you tell her beforehand?"

Without a single word, he shamelessly nods. Your eyes roll as you turn to look the other way.

"I didn't promise her anything, so to teach me lesson, she decide to approach you. But I ran faster and kissed you just to keep her from getting near you. She probably felt humiliated and ran away."

You sigh, looking in the other direction, not wanting to see his face. Meanwhile, Hoseok is tearing up. "I don't get it." This phrase makes you look at him again.

"Why I-" he breathes out, mustering his cracking voice, "why am I scared of knowing you'll leave me soon?" He abruptly takes your hand and places it on his heart. "This misses you when I don't see you around me."

He taps his heart once with your hand. "This feels happy at night when I hold you closer to me."

He can't just confess this prettily and expect you to forget that earlier incident. You pull your hand away from his numb chest and start the engine, flustered.

As you drive out of the parking lot, you spot a familiar figure, reminding you that Hoseok not only informed min-hee about this marriage but also shared it with Do Hwan, who literally offered you a deal.

Do Hwan is on a call with someone, and his car is parked beside him. You point at Do Hwan and ask the crybaby about him.

"You told him about our fake marriage too?" Hoseok narrows his eyes, watching intently, then he ends up saying, "He's Do Hwan. I don't know him well... He's min-hee's friend."

A frustrated scoff appears on your face, and the next thing Hoseok knows is that you're driving at high speed and you hit Do Hwan's car with yours.

Your technique damages his car more than yours. "WHAT THE FUCK!!! HEYYYY!!" Do Hwan runs towards your car window, screaming.

You casually stopped the car, rolling down the window, witnessing Do Hwan yelling in rage. His eye widen when he noticed you stepping out from the driver's seat.

"Woman!!! You fucking hit my car just now!" He frustratedly exclaimed before clicking on his phone to call the cops.

But before he could dial anyone, you grabbed the back of his head and forced him against your car.

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