Chapter 3

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Enjoy 😊

Carlotta's POV

"Wake you sweetie"I woke up to someone shaking me.We are about to land and I'm getting nervous,will they like me or despise me.

We landed and I walked out the airport waiting for my brothers.A Maybach pulled up and a very muscular man came out of the car.

"Can I help you " I said "bambina (baby in Italian) I'm your 4 brother Elijah""I'm Carlotta and how many brothers do I have"I asked.

"Bambina, you have 12 brothers including me"what the fuck,I was expecting 4 or 3 but not twelve.

Just then my ribs started hurting I forgot to take my painkillers,at least I still have a bottle of painkillers."let me help you with that"Elijah said taking my suitcase and putting in the trunk.

"So,how was your flight"Elijah asked while starting the car "fine I guess".

Elijah kept talking and I replied with short answers,he realized that I'm not much of a talker so he kept quiet until we got home.

Scratch that,this is a fucking mansion how rich are they,I put on my emotionless face and walked into the house.

It was huge the living is 2x of my old living room, check out that kitchen I'm already in love with that kitchen.

"Let's go to your room,the other are out some are in school and some at work, they'll some be back"Elijah said and took me to my room and it was huge there were two doors one for the bathroom and another for a walk in closet.

" You can get settle I'll call you when dinner's ready"he said and left.

And I got to take a refreshing shower.

How was it don't forget to share like and comment 😊💕💕

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