Don't hurt him TW: ABUSE

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"It was my experience and I'm not telling you about it!" Zhongli blushed, sitting on Hu Tao's couch. The friends had safely made it home, admittedly after having a few drinks, and after seeing the look on his face, Hu Tao wanted to know what happened.

"I know you get flustered around him, but my god! That was definitely more than just flustered!" She kept pressing, but it was all in fun, Zhongli was laughing a bit too.

"No!! It was just a dance, and he's just very....good looking! That's all it is!!"

Hu Tao sighed, tired and annoyed.

"Awwwww Zhongli pleaaaaaase!!"

Zhongli was determined to keep his and Childe's secret. "Hu Tao!!!"

They both burst into fits of laughter.

But the laughter stopped as they heard screams for help outside, slightly in the distance. They looked at each other before running to the door, opening it as quick as possible before listening for more cries.

They came, and the two ran after the sound, quicker than they thought they could. "H-HELP! S-SOMEONE HEL- The screams had been cut of, becoming muffled.
Hu Tao and Zhongli listened closely for the muffling, turning a corner into a one way alley, they saw someone in an oversized hoodie and shorts being pushed up against the wall and choked. Three men were trying to remove the victims clothing while touching his body and pulling his hair. Wait a second.

This orange hair.

Without thinking, Zhongli ran up to the perpetrators, ignoring the seemingly distant warnings Hu Tao was yelling out.

He ran up to the person with his hand around the victims neck, uppercutting his jaw, making the perpetrator drop the victim and recoil back in pain. The other two mates let go of the victim, preparing to fight Zhongli.

Before they got a chance, Hu Tao came in and kicked one in the face before punching the other one. All three perpetrators were on the ground, wincing. Wait. There was only two. Where's the third.

Zhongli felt a presence beside him that wasn't Hu Tao, he turned to see the perpetrator that he had attacked stabbing Hu Tao in the shoulder. Zhongli lost every last bit of morale he had.
He activated his vision, he promised himself he'd never do it again, but here he was.
Before he knew it, he created a shield around himself, Hu Tao and the ginger-head, pushing the other on the ground, his hair spiked up and his eyes almost lifeless. He was twitching, trying to speak, but the shock going through his body wouldn't allow it. Hu Tao, still with the knife in her shoulder, smiled at Zhongli.

"Thank... you..." She smiled weakly, trying not to show she was in pain. "Keep the knife in, its stopping you from bleeding out." Zhongli commanded, helping the girl sit down.

He then heard sobbing and was pulled back into reality. He rushed to the victims side, he knew who it was, but all he cared about was making sure he was safe.

"Are you ok?" Zhongli carefully sat beside Childe,
making sure he didn't touch him.

"Th-Th-ank you.." Childe managed to speak in between sobs. Hu Tao attempted to drag herself closer wincing from pain out of every movement.

Childe looked up, it was then he realised who his rescuers were.


"Shhh, it's ok, I'll call for some help ok? I don't want idiot over here injuring herself further. Besides... Zhongli sighed, looking over at the 3 unconscious bodies.

"They're, unfortunately, going to need medical attention. But don't worry, they'll get what's coming to them. He turned back to Childe, giving him a smile.

Zhongli pulled out his phone, but before he could dial for help, Childe put his hand out to touch the other's. "W-Wait, did you s-save me j-j-just be-because of wh-what happened t-tonight?"

He sighed, shaking his head. "Take some deep breaths ok? I would've saved anyone in this scenario." Zhongli called for both an ambulance and police, it took them a while to arrive, but Hu Tao didn't seem to really care all too much.

The three perpetrators were wheeled into the back of a separate ambulance, police were talking with Childe, and Hu Tao was quickly taken to hospital "Excuse me sir." A police officer approached Zhongli, who sighed, knowing that he had to tell them what happened.

He started his story, but the police officer cut him off
"I just have one question to ask you. We noticed the appearance of the power of a vision on the ground and the walls of the scene, but not on the victims. So what exactly did it cause?"

Zhongli told him that he created a shield only to protect themselves.

"I see.. you did not break the law since you didn't hurt anyone with your vision and I'm not able to claim your vision, so let's forget about hat." He said with a warm and friendly voice

He left Zhongli standing there in relief and got into the police car.

The man walked over to the two emergency doctors that were checking Childe and asked "How is he?" one of the two turned around and answered "he's fine, just some scratches and a bruise. But we need to take him to the hospital because of the shock" Zhongli nodded and stepped a few steps back to let them continue their work.

When the doctors were about to help Childe into the ambulance, the ginger stopped and turned around "can he come with me to the hospital?"
"Is he related to you?" The doctor, that spoke with Zhongli, asked.
Childe hesitated for a second, but then said "He is my boyfriend.."

"Oh I see, that's ok then, but he can't go in the ambulance. He can come with me in the extra car though" the friendly doctor said.
Childe thanked him and let the other doctor lead him into the ambulance.

Zhongli got into the car with the other one and they drove off.

1024 words


A cliffhanger for u bc I can hehe

This was a tough one since I don't rlly wanna imagine how that'd be irl but I have to hurt our baby or the story won't work

I'd love to see some feedback or just some coms

if u find any mistakes u can keep them to urself :P

have a nice day (or night lol) everyone and cya

bai bai<3

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