Flight - 2

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Ino made her way towards her teacher with Shikamaru and Chouji, she would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous.
Her palms were sweaty and slightly trembling but she knew she came to do one thing and one thing only, ' To win ', she was determined not to lose to Sakura.

She could obviously see how Sakura was growing to be a strong kunoichi regardless of the absence from a ninja clan.
' Ino ', Asuma called out.

Ino looked up to see her sensei and her teammates looking at her worried at her distracted mind.

'I'm fine sensei, just a little nervous', Ino assured.

' I understand, it's normal to be nervous at this stage, with so many people and all their expectations and also your desire to win ', Asuma drawled, ' but a true ninja is not one who only wins but rather leaves an impact to lead the way for others, so whether you three win or lose it doesn't matter,it was my honor to have come so far with you all. With all that said just take care of yourself, ne? '

The three genin looked up to their sensei with something akin to admiration and gratefulness and nodded as Asuma smiled and started debriefing the tactics.


Team 10 made towards the Exam Hall, where Ino caught Team 7 particularly Sakura talking to Sasuke and made sure to jump onto his back to annoy Sakura.

'Sasuke, what are you doing here I've been searching for you', Ino called out giggling.

' Oi, Ino-pig get off Sasuke', Sakura called out.

' Oh Sakura, I was merely wishing my dear Sasuke before the exams', Ino drawled out.

Sakura was fuming, as was Sasuke rather astonished at first but not liking the close contact at all.

' Get off Ino. '

Ino quietly got off Sasuke sighing and shrugging, as Shikamaru and Chouji talked to Naruto regarding the exams, suddenly, all of them could feel a menacing chakra, dark and deadly.
They looked at the boy with the gourd with the other two genin beside him as they walked towards their direction.

The red haired boy looked briefly at the Konoha genin making brief eye -contact at all of them smirking.
Ino held her breath as she looked forward, it was suffocating being in his presence, she was quivering but tried her best not to show, she tried to hide from his view between the boys but was surprised when the boy made eye contact with her too.

If at first she was scared now she was terrified, he smirked but his eyes held a rather deadly message as if saying, ' I'll kill each one of you. '
All she could do was wish this would be over soon.

As Gaara passed by them she let out her breath but suddenly all of them jerked back as the green eyes looked back to hers, menacing and deadly. She held her breath as he made his way towards her.


Gaara made his way towards their exam hall with Kankuro and Temari, he was rather examining all of the genins expressions, ' Fear ', yes, that's what was written over all their faces. He smirked slightly, soon he would crush them all making them plead for their lives.

Gaara saw Team 10 and Team 7 looking at him rather amusedly and fearfully, he saw the blue haired idiot who had challenged him, his pink haired teammate and the blonde haired loudmouth and some new faces, a ponytailed boy and a rather chubby kid leaving his snacking away, but he was rather amused to see the blonde haired kunoichi he had seen the day before, she stood there between the two boys as she held her cool.
He smirked, it was rather amusing that she was trying not to show her fear, oh how he wished to crush her hope and make her bleed, warm red fluid flowing out of her empty sockets that were home akin to the blue eyes she had.

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