Something I never told you.

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It's been more than a month since we split our paths.

you came into my life out of nowhere and i had no idea what was happening so I didn't expect anything from you and was running away from you as I do with all the boys in general

When it started as a friend and relationship both 'were' beautiful with you. I want to write "are" but since you ended everything i know it has to be "were". I still remember taking the minor step towards you. And i thought this time getting attached won't hurt me but we both know how it ended.

I still remember you telling me how perfect i was to you. How you loved to hold me while watching a movie. I have to get this out of me because when you said that we should end this and be friends. I hope you remember how blank and numb i was i didn't even know what to feel at that moment. My world started to fall apart and i fell on my knee and my hands were shivering my whole body froze. And the reality was i can't stop you.

I know i was never a part of your life but I hope it was a beautiful crime.

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