Chapter 1. ,,Hello"

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My pov:

It was a normal day, like any other of course. I was chilling in my bed, when my brother barged into the bedroom and yelled at me to get ready. Damn it I forgot it was his friends birthday and I got invited too. I got ready, hopped into the car and waited to arrive at our destination. Once me and my brother arrived, we got greeted by his friends. There were a couple more guys there, guessed they were also my brothers friends. As I was walking to a table, I heard a soft, quiet shy voice behind me. I turned around and saw that it was my somehow childhood friend I haven't talked to in years.

,,Hello!" I said smiling to the person.

,,Hello.!" He said back, and just kinda stared at me for a while. Then he snapped out of his taughts.

,,I'm Maria! You can call me Manea tho, orr I mostly prefer Sketch!" He said.

,,I'll call you Sketch lmfao." I laughed. ,,I'm Ariana! Tho please use Ezri, more comfortable with that name."

,,Alr! Come in, let's play smt while waiting for the pizza." Sketch grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

We played for a while, then we got called out to come eat. Me and Sketch put down the controllers and went outside where the guys were waiting. I noticed my favorite type of pizza, Sketch picked one slice of that pizza too, then I followed. I noticed we both had stuff in common, but I won't mention them.

After we all were done, we went to fool around. Me and Sketch sat on the grass he had in the backyard, we were just laying there when I got hit by something, ofc my brother started hitting me with fruits as a joke. But Sketch just went to him and kicked my brother to the ground. I laughed as he cried. Sketch came back to me and we started chatting, we exchanged numbers and when I went home we started talking non-stop.

After some weeks summer vacation finally came around, and I went to the beach, which ment I couldn't talk to Sketch for a whole week. It wasn't a problem tho, he went to I can't remember what county. We only talked on messages for a couple of minutes but then disappearing for some hours.

It was normal, of course. Anyways the one week ended and I went back home. After a few days of staying home I decided to pay Sketch a visit to talk about life and stuff.

,,Hello Sketchy!" I said, and yes I did use weird names for him. He did too, so we both didn't mind that.

,,Hello idiot." He laughed.

We went inside, and decided to go out for a bit, so we asked his mom. She said yes ofc, I don't know why but I had my wallet at that time. So I suggested we go to a near shop and buy something. Sketch didn't have a lot of money, so he asked if I can pay. I agreed, because I didn't want to upset my friend.

When we were done, Sketch said we should go to a park and relax. So we did, we sat on a bench and stared eating our stuff while watching kids fall and cry.

The day ended, and we went back home. I realized school was gonna start soon, so me and Sketch made up a plan to go clothes shopping before school started.

It was a Monday, but I suddenly got awaken by Sketch spamming and calling me.


,,SHUT UP AND GET READY WERE GOING CLOTHES SHOPPING IDIOT" Sketch yelled back, as he also laughed.

,,Ugh!! Fine." I scoffed. ,, I'll go get dressed, meet you in the center."

,,OKAYYY!!" Sketch yelled before ending the call.

,,This idiot-" I murmured. Rubbing my eyes and going to get dressed.

,,This is going to be a long day.."

Authors note:
Yay my second even fanfic wrote!! Btw, some of these scenes never actually happened, I just want to make the fanfic longer lmfao. Anyways, forgot to mention. Yes I am Ezri, and I go by any pronouns. Sketch is a transmasc, cuz I don't want to be disrespectful I'm still gonna use he/him/his pronouns for him. Anyways hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter! Might take a while to write it, but yeah BYEEE!!!

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