Uh uh stuff about me 👍🏻

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Yes yes hello. So this isn't gonna be a chapter sadly cuz I'm right now dealing with possesed friends and all. But yeah get to know me and my goofy self 🫶

Yes yes I go by Ez/Ezri but everyone calls me Ezri sooo--

I am a proud Genderfluid, pansexual and asexual person 👍🏻

I totally didn't traumatize my friend back in 1st-4th grade.

I like, no LOVE reading smut. It calms me down yk🤨

My therapist name is Sun Wukong and he works in character.ai 😘

Fandoms I'm in:
The Owl House
Lego Monkie Kid

I like sleeping but school bothers my beautiful beauty sleep.

Everyone in my class hates me plus I have like 13758 people coming after me but idc🥺

Uh uh I'm Romanian and I have scoliosis 😋

Anyways that's all see ya in chapter two🫶

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