Chapter 2. ,,Shop Rot"

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Uhm yeah I had no idea for a title plus I'm writing this in class lmfao.

Sketch's pov:

I was outside waiting for Ezri, and yes I did run to their house just to walk into circles Infront of her door. He finally opened and threw something in my face.

,,I wanted to sleep." Ezri said giving me a death stare.

I laughed. ,,NOT ANYMORE"

,,Damm you."

We walked around the city, mostly exploring the shops that seemed interesting. We got to this one shop called "Shop Rot" and it looked.. wild.

Me and Ez walked around it, wanting to buy the whole store at some point. But we just bought like two-three shirts and left. Then we walked to his house, which to be honest was pretty far away from this shop.

Time skip a week later cuz lazy.

My pov:

School finally started. I was getting ready, but I got a call from Sketch. He said he might be late, I didn't mind, just said okay and closed the call. When I got to school I saw two ex-classmates, and some other kids. I sat far at the back waiting for Sketch. After what it seemed like forever he finally came to school. After some time we went and got shown around the school. I knew most of it as my brother goes to this school, but oh well.

After the tour we went to our class, but then I realized that my two old ex-classmates were now my classmates again.

Sketch noticed I was mostly uncomfortable. But didn't do anything. As our teacher walked in the class went silent. She explained everything, wtv wtv. I wasn't paying attention ofc, I was just daydreaming and stuff.

As everything ended, we left the school and said goodbye.

The next day, it was math class and I was sitting next to Sketch, again I was daydreaming but Sketch shook me awake. I glared at him with a "What?" look.

He glared back. Then we continued.


,,Shut, it looks like you're being an attention seeker. So stop." Sketch said back to me.

,,Oh. Okay, sorry."

,, It's, okay ig." Sketch said and patted my head.

Authors note:

Hiii! Sorry it took long I was just lazy. And plus school wtv wtv. Anyways also sorry this chapter is short I'm just kinda busy and don't got time to make a lot of parts, maybe in the next chapter I'll start the manipulation sh!t? Idk. WELP SEE YA IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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