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"Oh shit

"whats wrong?" the male says his voice filled with concerned, "i'm okay, just a little tired. But I have a question" I say 

"Anything..." He says looking at me, his eyes staring intently into mine.

"What day is it?" I ask, nervous to hear the outcome.

"It is August 12th 1962. So what do you plan on doing?" He asks.

"I don't know just probably live here for the rest of my life." I say looking down slightly.  The male looks like he's debating something.

"Well, can live with me if you want? But first we should probably know each others names right. I'm George Davidson, but you can just call me George." 

"I'm Clay" I said with a slight smile

"Nice to meet you Clay, now let's get going before we freeze our asses off." George said standing up and extending his hand. My smile only grew


Once we get out of the car. I look at the house I would be living in for I don't know how long, probably the rest of my miserable life.

The house was an old victorian home with white walls and an old wooden porch with steps leading up to the front. The backyard had a bunch of chickens and a field behind it.

"Come inside I'll show you to your room and get you situated, then you can help me collect eggs" He said with a bright smile on his face

My room wasn't to big but wasn't to small either. It had a bed and a desk. I follow George outside into the chicken coop, he grabs a basket from the corner and walks over to a box with me following behind him. There was about ten eggs in one box and as George walks over to the other one.

"So all of the eggs in this eggs are from only one chicken specifically, when I grab the eggs get ready to run" He says. I'm slightly confused why I need to run after collecting the eggs but I guess I'll go along with it. 

George grabs the eggs all at once. Before I have a chance to count. George yells "Run!!" I don't waist another second I run faster than I ever had in my life even though I don't run much. I look behind me to see George also running as he moves I see a chicken running after us. 

"A chicken really!!" I yell back to George

"Yeah that chicken has sent many of my ex girlfriends to the hospital" He said chuckling. I keep running until I am met with the corn field. I look at George and all he does is grab my hand and continued running through the corn field. We eventually made it out of the cornfield but we continued running until George tripped in mud and dragged me down with him as we were still holding hands

I fell on top of George my hands on either side of his head. George looks up at me a blush on his cheeks. I slightly chuckle at his antics I got up and held my hand out to George. I pulled him up and we went home

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