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Time skip 6 months

I have been living with George for half a year now I still miss my family but I'm more active now and there's no doubt that I've lost weight. Especially from outrunning mega cock everyday.

Me and George have our own jobs that we have to do in the morning before we can relax. Mega cock (the nickname I gave the chicken that has more blood lust than a teenage guy that's grounded) gets faster everyday like what the fuck what's wrong taking and eating your children.

Now that I think about it I understand Mega cock. But today is the day of the annual festival George says that it's a music and arts festival almost the whole town comes every year. It's an adult only festival as they give out alcoholic beverages.

I walk into the kitchen sweat beading down my forehead from the daily sprint away from mega cock. I see George in an apron? "What are you doing?" I ask setting the egg basket on the table. George walks up to me and looks at the eggs in deep thought he plucks three eggs from the basket and walks back to the counter.

"We have to bake my world famous cookies." He said bending over and pulling out a bowl from the cupboard. He then turns around flashing me a grin before opening another cupboard trying to reach the recipe container. He jumps then stands on his tippy toes his finger tips only slightly grazing the container. I chuckle and walk over to the male and reach from behind him.

His back lightly pressed up against my back. I smile when I feel him tense up. "Flustered George~?" I cooe, whispering in his ear. I rest my head in the crook of his neck wrapping my arms around his waist. His breath hitched and I smirk, I pull away from the male and spanked him "Lets get going shall we, wouldn't want to be late." I say hands on my hips a smirk plastered on my lips He smiled and shook his head "You fucker" He said smiling even more.

We were now walking to the festival it was only a short distance away but it would be longer if George would just walk like a normal person. He was dragging his feet and mumbling about how this wasn't worth it and how we should turn back. Eventually I got bored of his complaining, I turned around and looked at him. "Oh come here you big baby." I said I bent over in front of him and motioned for him to jump on my back.

"Jeez man maybe you shouldn't have eaten all of those cookies, who's going to date you if you're heavier than the moon!" I say chuckling obviously me and George have gotten comfortable around each other. We clicked right away and there was no awkward stage. I picked George up as I start walking to the festival.

Soon we arrive and enter George's cookies into the baking competition. "What should we do George" I asked smirking at him. George grabs my hand and began running through the festival. "Woah George where are we going" I asked with a small blush on my face as George continued dragging me through the festival.

Soon George began running into the woods and up a hill dragging me along with him. "George where are we going" I ask stopping in my tracks as George looked back at Clay

"I'm taking you to a special place" George smiled at Clay

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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