The calm before the tornado

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*sigh* stories whether you tell them just for entertainment or to teach someone the lesson or any other reason stories how you say enjoyable sometimes for the most part and for some people but other then that there awesome there are some stories written by famous people stories can talk about all sorts of things telling real events or information, telling a fictional or nonfictional story, about how something began and how it became the thing that we all know in love today like have Thomas became the tank engine that we all know and love today besides the all engines go reboot version of him or how Minecraft, roblox, or Trainz was first made and how they became infinitely bigger and popular and became the games they we know and love today or puppy dog pals and how bingo and Rolly and how there team and family came together and how they got adopted and how they met their kitty sister hissy and all of their new friends and how the superkitties became umm..... will The Superkitties and how the paw patrol becomes the paw Patrol and see all of the other stories about all of our favorite characters from all of our favorite shows and how they all became so popular and became who they are or just to simply put something silly but before we continue only farther I should introduce myself

hi my name is Stripes and I'm called that be my black and yellow paint job I am also the Brother of James the red engine from Thomas and friends no that I introduced myself let's continue so anyways If the story is will real as in history most people who write down all the stories in the textbooks they seem to forget some key points of the story more so and likely the perspective of the people involved or where pulled in or forced into The action and not in a good way either the following events I am about to tell you all is true and before anybody ask no This is definitely not some kind of writer or Scientologist I am saying all of this because I seen all of this happen before my very eyes I was apart of it and let's say that the story is crazy and very crazy and full of surprises it's probably best to start at the beginning.

So we all know how tornadoes can be they are just like hurricanes but much more different a hurricane's horizontal scale is about a thousand times larger than a tornado. We all also know how much damage a tornado can cause he can either injure or even kill someone if you are not careful but what if I told you that the tornado in my story caused more damage than normally does and it all started with that lavatory

Log 1:
I remember it like it was yesterday I lived in a world where all of your favorite franchises collided into one ever since Christopher discovered that portal to Adventure bay where he met the paw patrol and put all of our worlds together in one peace and sometimes we tend to get a lot of weather like thunderstorms wind storms snowstorms blizzards mist and fog hurricanes and tornadoes we heard the tornado would be coming here pretty soon Christopher was more frightened and worried out of all of us everybody was preparing for the tornado's arrival before the tornado a new laboratory was build and they didn't really gave us any messages or information about what the purpose was i'm currently at Brendam docks picking up a good train to take to The train station at adventure bay so I'll update you if anything strange or weird happens.

Log 2:
I feel like I have been seeing some strange things and going crazy first when I arrived at Elsbridge with my passenger train I swear I saw Thomas but he looked different his eyes were blacked out and he had white pupils and he was staring straight at me with his sinister smile but when I close my eyes and then open them back up again Thomas looked back to normal and he was looking at me concerned and questioning me about why I was looking at him so strange so I told him everything and he felt concerned and confused about me but before he could say another word to me it was time for me to leave and that's when things got even more weird when I was puffing down the mainline I saw Gordon pass by me but his face looks different he had that same eye as Thomas one of them seem to be growing on his forehead while the other I look completely normal he was on the brink of tears and I swear I could've probably seen and heard him crying put in a blink of an eye he was back to normal no Gordon was looking at me all strange wondering why I looked at him like he was possessed .

I arrived at Brendam docks to drop off my passengers then I saw the remain of bill and Ben they had the same mouth as Thomas but there eyes where gone and it looked like that they were crying blood out of where there eyes used to be but they were packed normal just like what happened to Thomas and Gordon Bill and Ben started looking at me strange but before they could say anything I ran off to the shed when I arrived at the shed Toby was there and the same thing happened again Toby's face look completely different he had the same eyes has Thomas but this time with no pupils at all instead of the creepy smile his face looks like that he was completely shocked and he couldn't really see anything and all he could do was just scream but I blinked he was back to normal Toby didn't looked at me or strengthen questioning why I was looking at him all weird because he was asleep also The tornado that I was telling you guys about passed by weeks ago but somehow the sky was still cloudy no only that but everybody claims that they are hearing strange noises but when they look around and try to find the source of all of the strange noises that they were hearing there is no one or anything around they were also seeing some strange and weird shadowy figures and shapes roaming around but for a while they always disappear we also still haven't really heard from anything from the new laboratory that was built and about what the purpose was however the one day it all happened at Knapford I was at the platform the people got on the coaches James told me to be careful and I told him that I promised him I'll be fine. When I was heading towards the viaduct the tornado sirens turned on and then out of nowhere a tornado appeared out of nowhere I braked hard but I got sucked into the tornado the people in my train started screaming I just woke up and I was still on the rails and in one piece and somehow we were at Killdane I don't know how that was possible but I should have took that as a red flag that something wasn't right we decided to go down the main line and look for some survivors or anybody that made out of that surprise tornado we came to cronk and that's where Murdoch came beside us at first we were so happy to see him and so glad he was all right but when we looked at his face something was wrong his eyes were faded black with those white pupils just like Thomas and he was asking us to join him and we ran away just before it was Elsbridge there was a Y switch we were switched to Elsbridge station while Murdoch was switched to another line after that we heard someone in the station and that's when we saw Layla and Skunku.

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