Effie's secret

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Effie Pov

Ok so I know I can't shoot a gun, I won't hold a knife, I faint at the pure sight of blood, and quite frankly, I'm not very sure why I joined Dauntless in the first place, but still, that does not give miss catfish or what ever her name is the right to go prancing around screaming, "I've got a secret. Yooou don't." I mean really! It's not like I don't have a few secrets myself. Oh dear I've said to much. Now I've probably got you hooked so it would be rude of me not to tell you. Okay, I have a twin sister. She is somewhere that I'm not to sure where. I just woke up one day and couldn't remember where she was. It was like my dream brainwashed me or something. My twin's name is Effie. My name is actually Jewel. It's kinda weird how I like the name Effie more than Jewel. That's why Effie is my name now. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I realize that when I joined Dauntless, I didn't change my name to Effie because I like it better. I changed it because I miss my sister. She was always more famous, or more popular. No one paid any attention to me. I hated her for that, and honestly, I didn't really care that she disappeared. Now I realize how much I miss her. I wish she was here. Ha Catfish!!!! I have a secret too! But seriously though, I miss my sister, and I will do whatever I can to find her.

Katniss Pov

I don't know why, but Effie keeps giving me a weird vibe. Like seriously! What did I do wrong? Talk about disrespect! When we had to pick partners for fighting against today in training, I asked her to be my partner. I mean I just wanted to be nice and stuff since she doesn't really have to many friends, but nooooo she just had to be all snobby about it and she was all like freaking out about it and yelled at me in front of everyone about how I was just picking her so I wouldn't have to embarrass myself and get beat up. Like really Effie! Take a stinking chill pill!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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