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This is from Zachary Hale's POV because why not? (If you're wondering who is Zach and Veronica just go with it for now) this also takes place before SSPX and after SSAS but after the last oneshot.

Zach's POV:

It was a normal day at Spy school, but then we got sucked in a time machine. We meaning me and Veronica. We appeared at spy school but at a dorm with a bunch of kitten posters, a girl and boy holding hands walked in and the boy shouted "WTF! WHO TF ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE".

I replied, "WHAT YEAR IS IT" I asked in a shout.

The boy looked confused and said, "2022". "What are your names" I asked in a haste, "I'm Ben Ripley, and she's Erica Hale" he said referring to the girl who looked oddly similar to Veronica. "Ugh, great now I'm stuck with my aunt and uncle in the past" Veronica whined, "It's worse for me, I'm stuck in my mother's dorm with my dad walking right beside her, my dad was right, past him was a pipsqueak" I countered. I'm gonna call my past mom and dad by their first names. Ben and Erica's eyes widened in shock, "hold up, so you're my niece from the future and the boy in front of me is my... SON!" Erica said with a little bit of shock.

"yes, yes indeed, I'm your son" I said with certainty. Ben and Erica turned red and pink from embarrassment and blush, they finally realized what "son" meant for them. "So... is great grandpa Cyrus still alive?" I asked. "Yes, yes he is" Ben replied.

"can I talk to him?" I asked.

"This is ridiculous Ben! They're just random people" Erica said. I rolled my eyes and said "then explain this?". It was a family picture of me, my siblings, my parents, and my aunt and uncle taken shortly after I found out about my parents.

"Is that... us" Erica said with shock.

"Indeed it is mom" I replied, "now can I talk to my Great Grandpa?".

"Sure!" Ben replied with enthusiasm. He gave me his phone and Cyrus and I talked over call for a while. I explained what was happening. He was skeptical... until I showed him the picture... and a birth certificate and a ID. I told him about everything that happened in the future. "So, you're telling me Ben and Erica wanted you, their son, to have a normal life but Brezinski recruited you anyways" Cyrus asked, "mom and dad were not happy". "by the way kid, what's 5674 squared times 4503" Cyrus asked.

Without hesitation I instantly replied, "144,970,824,828 dang that's a long number". "You're definitely Ben's kid" He said with a chuckle. I eventually had to say are goodbyes because, my parents were called for a "mission". "oh great, what does are beloved principle have in store for us" Ben said sarcastically. Me and Veronica followed them and scared the living soul out of Ben while Erica only flinched. "Definitely Erica's kid" Ben said while rubbing my hair. Mike intruded on us and asked "Who's that kid" Mike asked, I explained the whole shabang and Mike's eyes widened, realizing he had a kid with his girlfriend that looks exactly like Trixie. 

After that we were teleported back to reality, that was good. 

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