You're not Ben, or are you?

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Ben and Erica are 16.

Ben's POV:

I am now a world-famous actor, yay! I was presumed dead by the CIA. Yadayadayada, you know what happened. My "Friends" didn't believe me about an assassination plot. My girlfriend didn't even believe me. I ended up paying the price. Simple. I miss them, but I'm sure they don't miss me. They thought I went crazy. The attended my funeral, they all shed a tear. I believe they moved on. SMASH is still rampant, like always. I did help them, but they didn't know it was me. To them I'm the mask guy. Connor (You probably don't know anything about him) gave me the hidden blades, this helps me a lot. Life is good, I guess. I just wish for my old friends back, not the ones that couldn't trust me. I was the masked actor. I never showed my face to anyone. Life would continue like this, if it weren't for Murray.

Murray gave me a death threat, and the only person who knows of my existence is Cyrus. He put the puzzle pieces together. He gets why I'm in secrecy. He also gets why I never ever told my friends. He was the only one to believe me. Sadly, he could do verry little. The death threat was signed (for some reason). Cyrus was going to send in my old friends. He wouldn't tell them. ohhhhh boy this is going to be interesting.

Erica's POV:

We were assigned to protect a VIP from Murray Hill by grandpa. I just hope mask man doesn't have to save us. I walked to my dorm to pack. I watched a movie, Ben's favorite one (I like it too, but it comforted me at stressful times ok. Mostly because it's special.). I sat down and began watching. I was starting to think of Ben. I miss that kid. He's dead because I failed him. Watching this movie makes me cry, though I never let people see that. To them, I'm the ice queen. My mind was wandering.

Mind: I failed him, he's dead because stupid me could not believe him. I hate myself for doing that.

Gosh, I miss him. When I got ready, my ice queen persona was put back on. After Ben, my ice queen persona went on in full force. Nothing could thaw me the way Ben did. We even started a relationship, that ended quickly. I got there early, even on my standards, and saw the SUV parked there. That was suspicious, considering that grandpa was already there, before his normal time. I saw him talking to the masked man. I then realized that the masked man was the VIP.

"Erica! Come here, you need to see this," grandpa said.

"Fine" I said coldly. Grandpa then whispered something to the masked man. The masked man whispered back. Then both of them had a good laugh. Weird I thought, grandpa never laughs.

"This is the death note," Grandpa said, while giving me the note.

Dear man in the mask,

I know your secret. I will reveal it to the world, and your friends in the CIA. Come to saint smitten's at 4:00 AM tomorrow exactly or I will follow through on other this and other consequences.

An old Friend,

Murray Hill.

Dang, that bastard. He killed Ben, he made the assassination attempt. I was going to get revenge. Grandpa saw my anger in my eyes.

"We'll get revenge for you Erica. We shall avenge the death of Ben,"


We arrived at the destination at 0400 hours. The plane ride was... interesting to say the least. Mike caught the masked man sleeping on my shoulder while I slept on his head. Welp, this is going to be a long trip.

We went to our respective rooms to get some sleep; we needed all the sleep we could get. Being me, I couldn't sleep thanks to my old friend nightmares. Yay! This is one was... different. My nightmares were normally about Ben. I know cheesy, but it was different. Ben wasn't about to die, and he hates me. Those were the usual ones. This time, he was alive and happily playing with children while I watched. Did I say nightmares, this was a dream. My first one since... since his death. Wow, cheesy Erica, it's as almost I'm in a Berica one-shot. You what, I like cheesy. I like it extra cheesy, so I'll be cheesy. No one knew about the nightmares, because of ice queen persona. I cannot bring myself to not be the ice queen. I could only... I'm not going to say the only person I could be normal around. It's too cheesy. I got up and went to make some coffee. It's the healthiest time to wake the f up, 4 am. I then overheard the masked man talk to grandpa.

"Should I reveal myself to her?" the masked man asked. 

"I mean Vivian can't know your real identity," grandpa said. There was a pause. Then the masked man opened the door and saw me eavesdropping. He mouthed something to grandpa, and he smirked. I can't believe I'm seeing grandpa smirk. I'm dreaming or something.

Ben's POV:

I was asking Cyrus for some Advice on Erica. It seems to be that she's guilty. I literally can't believe Cyrus is this friendly. It's OOC.  As always, a spy was eavesdropping. How do I know? Cyrus used the code name for saying that someone was eavesdropping. I fully mouthed my conversation. 

"You better be right," I said to Cyrus. He just shrugged. I opened the door the see Erica eavesdropping.

"Never mind" I mouthed to Cyrus. He just smirked.

"Why are you eavesdropping?" I asked suspiciously to Erica.

"I'm not" she said quickly. I raised my eyebrow.

"Why?" I repeated.

"Er..." Erica said.

"Just don't do that again,"

"ok" she said, defeated.


Erica's POV:

I was eating breakfast while thinking about the last night. Who was Vivian? I could possibly use that to figure out who he really is. My train of thought didn't last that long anyways, as someone knocked on the door.

"This should be the location of the house of... WE KNOW YOU'RE IN THEIR MR. MASK. COME OUT NOW!" A man-like voice said. I grabbed a nearby pistol and slowly walked over to the door. We steps were meticulous, missing the spots where I knew the floor would creek. As I stepped closer and closer to the door, the bickering between the two male voices became louder and louder. I slowly creeped open the door and pulled my pistol out quickly. Yet, it was too late because everything went black right after I saw the tall blonde man. Who is that man you may ask? Joshua, Joshua Halal.

Sorry for not uploading in a long time, I will make a sequel. I feel there is a need to upload something. So, I did. I hope you liked it.

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