Ever since I started hanging out with the "greasers" in this town no one looks at me the same; I don't get it honestly. The girls at school glare at me as I walk past them. I talked to Darry about it some - he's great at giving advice - he said that I should try and ignore them, but that's hard sometimes because I remember just half a year or so ago how they smiled at me, and introduced themselves. and now.. it's different.
I open the gate and walk down the small path leading to the Curtis' house, step onto the porch and walk in.
Suddenly a boost of noise comes from the dining room. I turn my head, and see Steve sprawled on the table reaching for something in Soda's hand.
I step in and sit down on the couch, Mickeys on tv. Johnny and Pony are sitting next to me staring at a book; they both do that a lot. They have kinda been inseparable since the accident. It's a pretty long story, but two or so months ago they got in a pretty bad fight with some Socs and had to do a whole murder trial, and Johnny got badly burned and had to stay in the hospital for a long time. At some point they thought he was going to die, I think that's probably why Pony sticks to him so much now. A lot happened in November, the rumble... the trial.. The fire.. it was a lot.
When I sit down the both look up for a minute, mutter and small "Hey Mandy." And immediately look back at their book. I always wonder how they could be so focused on something like that, like yeah I dig reading, but I've never found any books that interesting. I like tv more, especially I Love Lucy!
After a while of watching Mickey Dally walks in the door. I look up, he got more cigarettes.
"K, who wants a pack?"
Me and Johnny both say "I do." So he tosses us each a pack.
We're all too young to buy cigarettes legally, so we usually have to steal them, or pay some older greaser to buy us some. We usually go for stealing since it's easier and less of a hassle, Dally's usually one to do it and we just distract the store owners. It's pretty amusing to be honest.
I've started to sorta admire Dallas. I can't really pinpoint why... he's just got- a sort of charm. With someone like Dally that's usually a stretch, but if you get to knowing him.. he's different.
Im usually always at the Curtis' or out with someone. I rarely go home even though I have a good dad and all, he just works a lot and it gets lonely there.
We moved here because he found a better job opportunity.. but that just means that he gone all day everyday. I'm so lucky that I found the gang, I remember what went down that day I met them...
"Hey dad I'm going out to scope out the town a little!" I yell to the other side of the house where my dad is unpacking some groceries.
"Okay honey, just be careful." He says.
"I will." I say back, and start to make my way to the door, stepping over empty boxes, and knickknacks.
We haven't been here too long, so we haven't really had enough time to unpack and get everything put up since school is already in session, and my dad was already busy with his new job most of the time.
My dad is a Social Worker for teens. Specifically juveniles - Ironic, I know - Anyways he got a job here since back at home considering it was a fairly small town, there wasn't much trouble, but here the crime was just ramping up.
I walk into a small corner gas station and see three boys, about my age arguing with the store clerk about something.
I walk closer and see one of them, the biggest of the three sneak off and grab a pack of kings off the shelf and stuff it in his pocket.
I don't really care about crime and that sort of stuff like my dad does, but I still couldn't get the thought of telling the off out of my head.
I started walking up to them until I stopped myself, remembering that they could be dangerous.
So instead I just walked around, the closest isle, still watching them.
I analyzed them, thinking they're probably in some sort of gang. The smallest of them, had jet black hair greased into some sort of style, and a gnarly scar from his left temple to cheek. I wondered how he got it, but thought it was probably just some street fight or whatever. He was also wearing a jean jacket, that looked too small for him, and black Chuck Taylors.
The second, had mostly blond hair, but had reddish, brown roots. It was an odd combination if you ask me, but I'm not really one to talk. He was wearing a blue tank and sweater, that as I was looking, around the neck had reddish stains? These gangs are crazy, I thought.
Then the tallest of the three, the one stealing the cigarettes. He was quite a big taller than the other two. Though he looked quit similar in style to the other boys he didn't wear any grease in his almost white hair, which made it pretty fluffy in the August heat. He also had on a brown leather jacket and...
As I was still looking at him, he turned around and our eyes met.
"Shoot-" I thought, and quickly looked away and back at the bag of candy I had, finding the ingredients very interesting at the moment.
Not knowing if he really had noticed me, I just started walking up to the front to "pay" for my item where they still were, arguing away.
"Uhm excuse me, if you guys are done bickering k would like to pay." I said to them
"Ohh so the pretty lady staring at me has a mouth I see." The taller one said, but the other two just moved out of the way
I glared at him, and mouthed "thanks" to the other two.
After that I decide to just go to the drive in for a movie, because my dad had said it a nice place for us 'young folks' to meet friends.
I start watching the movie - it was some cowboy movie - when I couldn't help but notice the two smaller boys coming in.
They came and sat one seat down from me and we talked a little bit, just small talk though. That's when I learned their names.
The tallest they say was Dallas, but they usually just call him Dally, he was 17 almost 18. The middle was named Ponyboy! It was odd but I didn't think too much about it. He had just turned 15 The smallest, who was oddly quiet was named Johnny, he's 17
A week or so later, I saw that I had the taller or the two smaller boys in my class, which after getting to know him for a while, we started hanging out more after school. And that's how I met the gang.
-Flashback Over-
"Hey you guys wanna go get something from the Dingo with me?" Dally says to Johnny, Pony and me, and winks
We say sure, because we all know what he's most likely getting there. Booze.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Word Count: 1,265
This took so long!! 😭😭 I've been working on this chapter for like a year because I forgot I had it- I'll try to update more though.
I honestly don't know exactly where I'm going to go with this story. There might be a love story, maybe not. I honestly just wanted to write smth.

Teen FictionNot super sure yet, but Mandy joins the greasers a few weeks after she moves to Tulsa from Texas and notices how people change the way they look at her when she's with the gang, this is set around 1968. So they are a bit older.