02 | immiscible

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Hello! I'm back with another chapter of No Sparks Required! Sorry this took so long, I've been very busy as of late, but I'll try my best to update this at least once every two weeks from now on. Thank you all so much for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

x Noelle



i m m i s c i b l e

(Of liquids) Not forming a homogeneous mixture when mixed.

IT'S BARELY FIVE minutes into that fateful chemistry lesson with Shane, but already, I'm plotting his death. The hydrochloric acid in the far corner of the lab looks pretty good. And hopefully, it's concentrated.

Blissfully unaware of the devious thoughts that run through my mind, Shane's doing all he can to get my attention. Ten minutes into the lesson, he starts jabbing me in the arm with the back of his ballpoint pen. Not painful jabs, just the most irritating ones that make me clench my jaw in an attempt to ignore him.

But when he jabs me for the fifteenth time, I reach over to yank the pen out of his hand, neatly tossing it into the sink on my other side. He stares in heartfelt dismay at his lost pen for about three seconds, before he nudges me again.


I ignore him, keeping my eyes steadily fixed on the whiteboard at the front of the class.


Think of peace, think of tranquillity.

"Seriously, Bev, this is really important."

Letting out a muffled, frustrated noise, I finally turn to face him. "What?"

"I seem to have misplaced my pen," he says mildly, his smirk widening when I narrow my eyes at him. "Can you lend me yours?"

Misplaced, my ass. The only thing that's misplaced about him is that annoying personality of his. Honestly, even monkeys behave better. Someone ought to lock him in a zoo or something. "No," I say flatly, and turn to face the front once more.

"Fine," he mumbles, and falls silent. That small window of blissful peace lasts for about thirty seconds, before his arm shoots right up as he waves his hand to get Mr Richards' attention. "Mr Richards?"

Mr Richards doesn't seem at all bothered by Shane's interruption. Quite the contrary, in fact, because Shane happens to be one of the star students in this class and is pretty much the apple of every teachers' eye. Such was life. "Yes," Mr Richards nods at him, "do you have a question?"

"Well – no," Shane has the decency to look sheepish, "I just lost my pen, sir, and I can't seem to find it. It's a little difficult to take down notes."

Screw peace and tranquillity. I'm going to stab myself with his stupid pen.

Right after I kill him with it.

"Use a bit of common sense and ask your lab partner to lend you one," Mr Richards replies shortly, looking somewhat peeved by the unnecessary interruption now. Sending a severe glare in our direction, he turns back to the board and continues to write.

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