04 | viscosity

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Hello everyone, I'm finally back with the next chapter of No Sparks Required!

This chapter has been sitting in my drafts for awhile, but I just could not find the time to post it. I think it's safe to say that you can expect at least one chapter a month starting from here on out, although I'll try my best to update more frequently since this story's already fully planned from start to end.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for reading! (Also, just like Beverly in the previous chapter, I've flipped a toenail twice in my life and having had first-hand experience of it... 10/10 would not recommend.)

x Noelle





v i s c o s i t y

The magnitude of internal friction in a fluid, measured by the force per unit area resisting uniform flow.

IT TURNS OUT that having a flipped toenail isn't actually fine, after all. I'm still hobbling painfully out of the nurse's office, even after she's disinfected and bandaged the wound up. Shane, of course, looks ridiculously pleased that I have to hold onto him. He's one step away from parading me around like I'm some sort of trophy wife, and I resist the childish urge to stomp on him with my other good foot.

Fortunately, before I can give into my impulses, an unfamiliar voice calls my name.


I turn in surprise, only to find a boy with sandy blond hair smiling at me. It's Brendan Orland. I'm surprised that he even knows my name, since I don't particularly run in his social circles. Shane tenses beside me, his muscles flexing beneath the grip I have on his arm.

"Oh, hey, Brendan," I greet with a smile. "What's up?"

"I don't know, you tell me. Mr Richards mentioned that you need help or something?"

I crack a small, apologetic smile. Seems like Mr Richards started assigning tasks right away during my absence. I really hope that he didn't make me sound worse at Chemistry than I already am. "Right, that. Um, how should I put this..."

"How about I walk you to History and then we can talk about it?"

"No way," Shane says sharply beside me. "I'm walking her."

Brendan raises an eyebrow. "Isn't your class on the other end of the building, Corelli? You might not get there in time if you keep going in this direction. Anyway, Beverly and I have the same class. It only makes sense that we walk there together."

All this talk about walking is making me feel like a dog. And the longer we stay here, the more likely we'll all be late. I turn to Shane and release his arm. "Brendan's right, it is more convenient."

Shane frowns. "But – "

"Really, I'll be okay. You should go."

He stares at me for a beat longer, before he relents with a sigh. Then he turns to Brendan with narrowed eyes. "You better not cause her to trip or anything, Orland."

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