Well, guess who the cat dragged in.Me!
Hello everyone, it's been a few years. I'd be surprised if anyone who was following me is still somehow here. Hi, I'm...let's just go with Miss Nobody, that's what I usually go by online.
I could've done this on my newer account but in all honesty I forgot the login info. Whoops!
My friend recently recommended that I start a diary. I never really liked just pouring all my feelings out onto a random notebook though. It feels futile. Like you're screaming in the void even though you know there's no one there to listen. It feels hopeless, and I'd rather not feel hopeless.
.....So I'm back on my bullshit I guess. However, I hope to be a little bit more mature about it compared to....the shit I wrote in the first diary/vent book I made when I was like 13. Yes there was a previous one, I took that down. Bad vibes, that's all you need to know.
Hopefully this will be much more of an introspective thing? Something to constructively express myself with vs...again, the shit I wrote in the first one. That's not to say I won't write a vent or 20 in this, because unfortunately mental breakdowns are still a thing and we all have moments of weakness I guess.
And it's those moments where I crave the most to be seen and understood, you know? That's why I made Sinner, the first one, to begin with. I wanted to express myself, but I felt like I couldn't without causing negative repercussions in my face-to-face life.
I guess some things never change, huh?
But I digress, I'll leave the wallowing for another day, when I'm actually really wallowing.
I'm not sure how often I'll add a chapter, so just...don't expect too much? Who knows if I'll even stick with this. But I might.
For now, I'll just leave it here. Hope you have a good day or night, wherever you are.
Oh! P.s......maaaaybe I could make posts and entries based on music? I'm writing that down as an idea for myself, that doesn't mean I'll stick with it. Take it with a metric ton of salt.
Well, see you later everybody!
Burn After Reading
RandomThink of this like a diary. I'll just tell you guys how I feel, stuff that's going on in my life, stuff that's happened in my life. I could tell you guys all about myself I guess.